Omar Seddiqui Research Library


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Welcome to the Omar Seddiqui Research Library at Palo Alto University!

We encourage all students, faculty, staff, and alumni to use our resources and services and meet with our librarians in person by visiting the PAU Library at the Allen Calvin Campus during our scheduled hours of operation.

Our library is also available online, 24/7/365, via this website. Use the navigation menu on each page to find the resources, services, information, and help you need. 

Service Alerts: On Sunday, May 26, the library will be open with continued checkout and return services, but there will be no wifi access on campus. Please note that the library is closed on all observed holidays and will also be closed for Friday staff holidays on July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26, and August 2.


If you like, you can launch your research immediately using the search boxes above. Interested in a specific type of resource, like an eBook or a test? Scroll down and click on a shortcut to get started! 

For individual assistance with literature searching, library databases, journals, ebooks, library resources instruction in your class, and other PAU Library resources, services, policies, or information:

Email the PAU Librarians

Or visit our Library Self-Service Forms & Surveys page.

Omar Seddiqui Research Library
Omar Seddiqui Research Library

In Honor of Omar Seddiqui, former president of the Afghan public libraries, for his love of learning, literacy, and the world of books. Dedicated January 21, 2010