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Anusha Kakolu, PhD

Anusha Kakolu


Adjunct Faculty

Contact Information:


Dr. Anusha Murali Kakolu (she/her/hers) is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center in Pediatric Psychology. She completed her predoctoral pediatric psychology residency at the Cleveland Clinic and is a PAU alumnus. She also received a masters degree in mental health counseling and behavioral medicine from Boston University School of Medicine. Her research and clinical work has a special focus on pediatric health psychology and anxiety. She is interested in working with diverse youth with medical diagnoses and has trained extensively in transplant psychology, endocrinology, neuromuscular diagnoses, complex care, and hematology and oncology. Her current role involves inpatient consultation liaison work and a short term outpatient caseload in medical specialty clinics. She is actively involved with Div 54 and Div 53 of the APA and serves as a mentor to several graduate students across the country.


Selected Publications:

Paternostro, J., Kakolu, A., Boyd, W., Conrad, A., & Wilgenbush., T. (2022). Differences in Traumatic Stress Amongst Youth With and Without Chronic Medical Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.

Korte, C., Friedberg, R.D., Wilgenbusch, T., Paternostro, J.K., Brown, K., Kakolu, A., Tiller-Ormord, J., Baweja, R., Cassar, M., Barnowski, A., Movahedi, Y., Kohl, K., Martinez, W., Trafalis, S., & Leykin, Y. (2021). Intolerance of uncertainty and health-related anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding and weathering the current storm. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.

Korte, C., Kakolu, A., Brown, K., Thomas, J., Cassar, M., & Friedberg, R.D. (2020). What’s going to happen? Managing young patients’ uncertainties and anxieties in the peri-pandemic period. The Specialist, 46

Friedberg, R. D., Nakamura, B. J., Kakolu, A., Trafalis, S., Thomas, J., & Cassar, M. (2020). Cognitive behavioral therapy with youth: These are a few of our favorite things. Cognitive behavioral therapy in youth: Tradition and innovation (pp. 285-295). Humana.

Trafalis, S., Thomas, J., Kakolu, A., Cassar, M., Friedberg, R., & Friedberg, R. (2019). Direct-to-consumer marketing of evidence-based psychotherapies: “The time to hesitate is through.”. Advances in Health and Disease, 8.