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LIVE: Youth Justice Issues

April 2, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific
April 2, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific
1 Hour | 1 CE
$125 Registration | $100 Early Registration (through March 26th) | Live Training via Zoom

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Johanna Folk, PhD presents a live virtual professional training program on Youth Justice Issues.
This badge-earning program can be shared digitally on platforms like LinkedIn or your resume and counts towards a certificate. Enroll in this program to earn credit towards the Correctional Mental Health Certificate and share your new digital credentials with prospective employers and colleagues.

This program focuses on the unique needs of young people in carceral settings. The content will explore the history of the juvenile legal system, inequities in representation and behavioral health outcomes among legally involved youth, and best practices for assessing and addressing youth behavioral health needs in carceral settings.

This program will also highlight considerations for the delivery of trauma-, gender—and culturally responsive care within carceral settings. Participants will gain a better understanding of the juvenile legal system's historical context and the state of the empirical literature related to behavioral health needs and care in youth carceral settings.

This program is geared toward mental health and other allied professionals at all levels of training who work in youth carceral settings or with youth involved in the juvenile legal system.

Training Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Historical background on the juvenile legal system and relevant reforms
  • Inequities in representation among youth in carceral settings
  • Behavioral health needs of youth in carceral settings
  • Evidence-based treatment of youth behavioral health needs in carceral settings
  • Considerations for trauma, gender, and culturally-responsive practice

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