Dèsa Karye Daniel, PhD, LMHC, NCC

Adjunct Faculty
Contact Information:
PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision, July 2022 (CACREP-Accredited) University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Cognates: Qualitative Research and Race and Social Justice Dissertation: Grounded Theory Black Womxn Leadership Experiences in National Academic Professional Organizations
MA, Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling, May 2015 (CACREP- Accredited) New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
MA, Higher Education Administration, December 2014 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Dr. Dèsa Karye Daniel is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in New Mexico and Colorado. Daniel’s research interest focuses on supervision relationships for racial/ethnic minorities, the lived experiences of racial/ethnic college students, and the experiences of Black/African American Womxn in academic spaces. Dr. Daniel advocates for inclusive spaces for racial/ethnic minority students within academia and within organizations for increasing graduate student resources. She received her doctoral degree in counselor education at the University of New Mexico. Daniel holds dual master’s degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Higher Education Administration from New Mexico State University. Dr. Daniel was named a 2021 New Mexico Office of African American Affairs Everyday Hero for her mental health work with Black communities. Daniel is the recipient of the 2020 NBCC Minority Fellowship.
Areas of Interest:
African American/Black Populations, College Students, Mental Health Disparities and Policies
Selected Publications:
McQueen, C., Thelamour, B.J., Daniel, D.K. Campus, Climate, and Anxiety. Journal of College Counseling (Submitted, January 2022)
Daniel, D.K. (Submitted, September 2021). Ethnic Invisibility: The Lived Experiences of Black Women in Counseling Programs. Professional Counselor.
Daniel, D.K., Suri, T., & Goodrich, K. M. (Submitted, June 2022). Working for Relevance: Exploring Mental Health Needs for Diverse Students. College of Student Affairs Journal
Suri, Tanupreet; Woolson, Leslie; Trott, Arianna; Apodaca,Marty; Brammer, M. Kathryn; Daniel, Dèsa Karye; Lacen, Diane; and Chávez, Thomas A. (2021) "Constructivism in Action: A Dynamic Group Process in Defining and Applying Principles of Social Justice," Teaching and Supervision in Counseling: Vol. 3 : Iss. 3 , Article 1. https://doi.org/10.7290/tsc030301
Suri, T., Woolson, L., Trott, A., Apodaca, M., Brammer, K., Daniel, D.K., Lacen, D., & Chavez, T. A. (in pres, November 2020). Constructivism in action: A case study for the development of a social justice model. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling.
Daniel, D.K., Suri, T., & Goodrich, K. M. (Revise Resubmit, November 2020). Working for Relevance: Exploring Mental Health Needs for Diverse Students. Journal of College Counseling.
Hernandez-Vallant, A., Gomez-Aguinaga, B.; Abrams, B.; Roybal, C.; Daniel, D.K.; Sanchez, G.; Vargas, E.; Peña, J.; & Sayuri Dominguez, M. (May 2020) Compliant but Unprotected: Communities of Color Take Greater Action to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 but Remain at Risk. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Blog https://iaphs.org/compliant-but-unprotected-communities-of-color-take-greater-action-to-prevent-the-spread-of-covid-19-but-remain-at-risk/
Daniel, D. K. (Submitted, April 2020). Ethnic Invisibility: The Lived Experiences of Black Women in Counseling Programs. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.
Websites and Other Relevant Links:
Daniel, Dèsa. (Producer). (2021, August 4). Academics for Black Survival and Wellness #Academics4BlackLives [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from https://wp.me/p7R6fn-Xus
Daniel, D.K. (Producer). (2021, May 5) EP203: Racial Healing: Understanding racism, meaningful allyship, and reclaiming your whole self with Anneliese Singh [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from https://wp.me/p7R6fn-XsW
Daniel, D. (Producer). (2021, February 2). EP197: Sentipensante Pedagogy – Sensing and Thinking with Alexia DeLeon [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from https://wp.me/p7R6fn-Xp9.
You can follow her research updates and other information at: www.desadaniel.com