Margaret Lamar, PhD

Associate Professor
Contact Information:
mlamar@paloaltou.eduOther Positions:
Associate Department Chair of the PhD Program in Counselor Education and Supervision
- PhD, Counselor Education and Supervision, University of Northern Colorado (2013)
- M.Ed., Counseling, University of North Texas (2009)
- B.F.A., Music/Theater, University of North Texas (2003)
Dr. Margaret Lamar is a board-certified, licensed professional counselor with a background in university and clinical mental health counseling. Her research is in the areas of maternal mental health, parental mental health, alcohol, and substance use during COVID-19, and research education in counselor education. She has several publications in this area and has been interviewed by various outlets, such as Counseling Today and The Thoughtful Counselor. Dr. Lamar is the current past-president of the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.
Areas of Interest:
Research Education; Researcher Development; Ethics; Professional Identity; Career; Theory; Master’s/Doctoral Research
Selected Publications:
Lamar, M. R., Speciale, M., Forbes, L. K., Donovan, C. (2021). The mental health of U.S. parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43(4): 319-335. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.43.4.03
Forbes, L. K., Lamar, M. R., Speciale, M., & Donovan, C. (2021). Mothers’ and fathers’ parenting attitudes during COVID-19. Current Psychology, 1-10.
Forbes, L. K., Donovan, C., & Lamar, M. R. (2020). Differences in Intensive Parenting Attitudes
and Gender Norms Among US Mothers. The Family Journal, 28(1), 63-71. doi:1066480719893964.
Lamar, M. R., & Forbes, L. K. (2020). A Phenomenological Investigation into the Role of Intensive Mothering in Working Mothers’ Career Experiences. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy. doi: 10.1080/2336716X.2020.1753596
Lamar, M. R., Clemens, E. V., & Dunbar, A. S. (2019). Promoting Doctoral Student Researcher Development Through Positive Research Training Environments Using Self-Concept Theory. The Professional Counselor, 9(4), 298-309.
Lamar, M. R. & Helm, H. (2017). Researcher Identity Development in Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Students. Counselor Education and Supervision, 56(1).
Sheperis, D. S., Ordway, A., & Lamar, M. R. (2020). Legal and Ethical Challenges in Online Counselor Education. The Professional Counselor, 10(1). doi:10.15241/dss.10.1.106
Websites and Other Relevant Links: