Taylor York, PhD

Adjunct Faculty
Contact Information:
2021 Doctor of Philosophy Program in Clinical Psychology
(APA Accredited)
Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA
Advisor: Amanda M. Fanniff, PhD
Emphasis: Forensic psychology
Dissertation: Assessing attitudes, skills, and knowledge in cultural
competence for forensic evaluators (Defended 08/2021)
2017 MS in Psychology
Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA
Taylor completed her MS degree through PAU’s online program before transitioning to the PhD program as a second-year student. She is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Suffolk County Juvenile Court Clinic in Massachusetts where she is conducting forensic evaluations. Taylor's primary research interests include culturally inclusive forensic practice and evidenced-based forensic practices.
She is currently working on multiple studies related to cultural competence in forensic assessment. She is also teaching the Forensic Assessment course as part of the MS program’s forensic emphasis. Taylor's professional goals include providing therapeutic services to incarcerated individuals and help to improve access to evidence-based mental health and evaluation services for forensic populations.
Areas of Interest:
Culturally Inclusive Forensic Practice, Forensic Evaluation, Juvenile Justice
Selected Publications:
Fanniff, A.M., York, T.M., Montena, A.L., & Bohnsack, K. (2021). Current practices in incorporating culture into forensic mental health assessment: A survey of practitioners. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. Advance Online Publication.
Fanniff, A.M., York, T.M., Montena, A.L.*, & Bohnsack, K.* (2019, March). Incorporating cultural considerations into forensic evaluations: A survey of practitioners. Poster presented at the 2019 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Websites and Other Relevant Links: