Wendy M. Wade MA, PhD, LPCC, CADC 1

Assistant Professor
Contact Information:
wwade@paloaltou.eduOther Positions:
Trainer for National Association of Children of Addiction (NACoA)
PhD, Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute
MA, MFCC from Santa Clara University
Educational Administration Credential from Santa Clara University
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from San Jose State University
MA, Psychology from Santa Clara University
BA, Psychology from Stanford University
Dr. Wade has been involved with children and parents throughout her career, beginning with her work with children of addicted parents in 1983, through private and public elementary school teaching and administration.
Her valued position was at Betty Ford Center, Coordinating the program for children of addicted parents. She has presented at conferences and trainings on this crucial area as well as on addiction, most recently at the American Child and Adolescence Conference , Western Symposium of Addiction, and California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Practices conferences.
She is a national trainer and co-developer of curriculum for the National Association of Children of Addiction (NACoA). She worked in inpatient addiction treatment and in private practice. With Santa Cruz County Children’s Mental Health, she provided therapeutic support to children in special education, their families, and school staff and conducted mental health assessments.
She has participated in and co-led supportive healing retreats for veterans including a 12-day reconciliation trip to Vietnam. She has an LPCC license and is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor. Personally, she enjoys spending time with her family, especially her 4 grandchildren, reading, gardening, and practicing Qi Gong.
Areas of Interest:
Addiction, and Addiction's effects on children and families. Counseling theories,
Selected Publications:
Ju, J., Roller, K., Jacoby, R., Wade, W., Chen, D. (under review). Creating inclusive and brave space in online counselor education. The Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision, 3().
Roller, K., Snow, W., Wade, W., & Snow, J. Increasing Access for Students with Disabilities in Online Education. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Teaching Practice Briefs, 3().
Wade, W. (2013) Catholic Mass and its healing implications for the addicted person. Substance Use and Misuse. 48(12).
Moe, J., Johnson, J., Wade, W. (2007). Resilience in children of substance users: In their own words. Substance Use and Misuse. 42(2-3).
Moe, J. Johnson, J., Wade, W. (2008). Evaluation of the Betty Ford Children’s Program. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 8(4).