PAU Well-Represented in APA Division Leadership
Palo Alto University has a strong relationship with the American Psychological Association. Our faculty, alumni, and students are members of the APA, actively participate in divisions, attend, and present at the annual conference, and serve in leadership roles. PAU is very pleased to share the appointment of two new APA leaders:

This spring, faculty member Rowena Gomez, PhD, was elected president of Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) and alumnus Paul Korte, PhD, was elected president of Division 31 (State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs).
Dr. Gomez is a professor and Director of Clinical Training in the PhD Program. She previously served as Faculty Chair and founded the Student Association for Gerontological Enrichment (SAGE) at PAU, an Age-Friendly University. “As President,” Dr. Gomez said, “I hope to support the wellbeing of older adults in community and clinical settings by promoting mentorship and training opportunities for geropsychologists at all stages in their professional development. I would also like to continue the mission of Division 20 by developing new initiatives to engage members and working to infuse diversity, equity and inclusion principles in geropsychology through research, clinical work, teaching, and mentorship.”

Dr. Paul Korte is a clinical psychologist at the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital where he serves as the Team Lead of the Behavioral Medicine and Neuropsychology Services with clinical responsibilities in the Primary Care-Mental Health Integration program.
His service has been recognized previously, on several occasions. He received the 2018 Psychologist of the Year Award from the Missouri Psychological Association, the 2019 Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy, and a 2021 Federal Advocacy Award from APA Services, Inc. Maureen O’Connor, PhD, JD, herself a past-president of Division 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)), said “Palo Alto University is well-represented in Division leadership within the APA. These are meaningful positions that carry significant responsibility and public focus.”