Rowena Gomez, PhD, Accepted To APA Leadership Institute for Women

Palo Alto University professor Rowena Gomez, PhD, has been accepted to the American Psychological Association (APA) Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology.
The Leadership Institute (LIWP) seeks to “prepare, support, and empower women psychologists as leaders…” and “increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders.”
“I am very honored, excited, and hopeful to be in the LIWP Class 14!” said Dr. Gomez, who also chairs PAU’s Department of Psychology. “I hope to further my knowledge and skills to be an effective leader and create positive and long-lasting change as a department chair and as president-elect in APA Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging).”
The LIWP is a learner-centered, values-driven experience consisting of more than a dozen live, virtual events and self-paced training opportunities. Additionally, “Participant Leaders,” who are often mid-career professionals, form a peer group and will continue to focus on advancement and continuing education through the Leaders Outreach Component.
Dr. Gomez said, “I hope to build relationships with other women in leadership roles who I can turn to for support when needed, and in turn, who I can also be there for when they are in need of support. As a Filipino-American woman, I also hope to be a good role model and inspire students and other faculty from minority groups to participate in leadership.”
PAU President Maureen O’Connor nominated Dr. Gomez for the Leadership Institute, stating “Dr. Rowena Gomez is a smart and dedicated leader, an incredible mentor to her colleagues and to our students, and someone with potential to move into increasingly complex and senior leadership positions.”