Student Success
The Department of Student Success serves the non-academic needs of Palo Alto University students from the time of enrollment at PAU through graduation. Student Success provides opportunities for student involvement, including student activities and student government as well as assisting international students, veteran students, and students who request special accommodations. Student Success team members look forward to welcoming new students at orientation.
The department of student success provides financial aid assistance/information.
For general questions:
Email: studentsuccess@paloaltou.edu
Dr. Diana Hernandez
Consulting Associate VP of Student Success - Provides the overall direction and supervision for the Department of Student Success
Email: dhernandez@paloaltou.edu
Dr. Amy Sikes
Director of Financial Aid
Phone: 650-433-3824
Email: asikes@paloaltou.edu
Erika Lambert-Shelton
Financial Literacy Coordinator and Interim Student Support Generalist
(650) 433-3806
Adrian Garza
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Chanel A. Ortiz
Interim Assistant Dean of Student Support
Ana Castrillo
Director of Student Support
Phone: 650-433-3836
Email: acastrillo@paloaltou.edu
Lisa Harris
International and Veteran Student Success Specialist
Phone: 650-433-3851
Email: lharris@paloaltou.edu
Sharyn Moore
Accessible Education Specialist
Phone: 650-433-3818
Email: oae@paloaltou.edu
Dr. Robert Randolph
Director, Writing Studio