Meditation and Psychotherapy Research Group
Lynn C. Waelde, Ph.D.
This research group (RG) will be the best match for students who are interested in learning to conduct research through every phase from initial literature review through data collection and preparing papers for publication. The RG meets for one hour every other week during the regular school terms to coordinate our collaborative projects and for didactics and discussion about research. Meetings are held at a time that is mutually convenient for RG members.
Topics: We investigate outcomes and mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation as therapeutic modalities. We also investigate best practices for therapist training and diversity adaptations of mindfulness and meditation.
Clinical Training Opportunities: RG members can receive training as an Inner Resources meditation therapist by enrolling in PRAC 815 Supplemental Practicum: Psychoeducational Groups. IR therapists can be interventionists for research protocols and offer the groups in community clinical settings, including the Inner Resources Center, a specialty clinic of the Kurt and Barbara Gronowski Psychology Center. Students in any RG can apply for this supplemental practicum, which is required to complete the Meditation and Psychology Area of Emphasis.
Openings: 2 to 4 new members to join the RG in Fall quarter.
Application Process: Interested students can attend a meeting of the RG during any quarter. Please contact Casey McGinnis at or Hillary Meyer at to schedule a visit.
Applicants are asked to submit the following items as attachments to an email to Dr. Waelde by the regular deadline. Applicants will have the opportunity to interview for the group to discuss the match between the RG and their interests.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Brief email discussing past research experience, how and why the student became interested in meditation and psychotherapy, and description of specific research and clinical interests in this group.
- A writing sample, which can be a paper submitted for a class while a student at PGSP.
Questions?: Contact Dr. Waelde at or student reps Casey McGinnis and Hillary Meyer at
Recent CAM/Meditation-Related Publications (those with student coauthors marked by *):
*Waelde, L. C., Meyer, H., Thompson, J. T., Thompson, L. Gallagher-Thompson, D. (in press). Randomized controlled trial of Inner Resources meditation for family dementia caregivers. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., & Ramos, P. A. P. (2016). Evaluation of a group-based resilience intervention for disaster survivors in the Philippines. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/prp.2016.9.
*Jiang, H., White, M., Greicius, M. D., Waelde, L. C., & Spiegel, D. (2016). Brain activity and connectivity underlying hypnosis. Cerebral Cortex. Advance online publication. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw220
*Waelde, L. C., Thompson, J. M., Robinson, A., & Iwanicki, S. (2016). Trauma therapists’ clinical applications, training, and personal practice of mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness, 7, 622-629. doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0497-9
*Waelde, L. C., & Thompson, J. M. (2016). Traditional and secular views of psychotherapeutic applications of mindfulness and meditation. In M. West (Ed.), The psychology of meditation (pp. 119-152). New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
*Thompson, J. M., Waelde, L. C., Tisza, K. & Spiegel, D. (2016). Hypnosis and mindfulness: Experiential and neurophysiological relationships. In A. Raz & M. Lifshitz (Eds.), Hypnosis and meditation: Towards an integrative science of conscious planes (pp. 129-142). New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., Docena, P. S., Alampay, L. P., Alianan, A. S., Flores, M. J. B., Ramos, P. A. P., & Melgar, M. I. E. (2015). The development and initial evaluation of Katatagan: A resilience intervention for Filipino disaster survivors. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 48, 105-131.
Hechanova, M. R. M., Ramos, P. A. P., & Waelde, L. C. (2015). Group-based mindfulness-informed psychological first aid after Typhoon Haiyan. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24, 610-618. doi: 10.1108/DPM-01-2015-0015
Waelde, L. C. (2015). Mindfulness and meditation for trauma-related dissociation. In V. Follette, J. Briere, J. Hopper, D. Rozelle, & D. Rome (Eds.). Mindfulness-oriented interventions for trauma: Integrating contemplative practices (pp. 301-313). New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press.
*Bekke-Hansen, S., Pedersen, C. G., Thygesen, K., Christensen, S., Waelde, L. C., Zacharia, R. (2014). The role of religious faith, spirituality and existential considerations among heart patients in a secular society: Relation to depressive symptoms six months post acute coronary syndrome. Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 740-753. doi: 10.1177/1359105313479625
Murray-Swank, N. A., & Waelde, L. C. (2013). Spirituality, religion, and sexual trauma: Integrating research, theory, and clinical practice. In K. I. Pargament, A. Mahoney, E. P. Shafranske (Eds.), APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol 2): An applied psychology of religion and spirituality (pp. 335-354). Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14046-017
*Bekke-Hansen, S., Pedersen, C., Thygesen, K., Christensen, S., Waelde, L. C., & Zachariae, R. (2012). Faith and use of complementary and alternative medicine among heart attack patients in a secular society. Complementary Therapies In Medicine, 20, 306-315. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2012.03.003
*Estupinian, G., & Waelde, L. C. (2011). The impact of spirituality on posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among military personnel. Counselling and Spirituality, 30, 91-106.
*Spiegel, D., White, M., & Waelde, L. (2010). Hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and brain imaging. In D. Barrett, (Ed.), Hypnosis and hypnotherapy Vol. 1: Neuroscience, personality, and cultural factors (pp. 37-52). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
*Butler, L. D., Waelde, L. C., Hastings, A., Chen, X., Symons, B., Marshall, J., Kaufman, A., Nagy, T. F., Blasey, C. M., Seibert, E. O., Spiegel, D. (2008). Meditation with yoga, group therapy with hypnosis, and psychoeducation for long-term depressed mood: A randomized pilot trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, 806-820.
Waelde, L. C. (2008). Meditation. In G. Reyes, J. D. Elhai, & J. D. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychological trauma. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
*Waelde, L. C., Uddo, M., Marquett, R., Ropelato, M., Freightman, S., Pardo, A., Salazar, J. (2008). A pilot study of meditation for mental health workers following Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21, 497-500.
Waelde, L. C. (2004). Dissociation and meditation. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 5(2), 147-162.
Waelde, L. C., Thompson, L., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2004). A pilot study of a yoga and meditation intervention for dementia caregiver stress. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60, 677-687.
Recent Meditation-Related Presentations (those with student coauthors marked by *):
Waelde, L. C., Thompson, K. E., Williams, M. W., & Newsome, M. (2015, June). Randomized pilot study of Inner Resources for Veterans mindfulness and mantra intervention for PTSD among military veterans. In Mindfulness interventions for PTSD. Symposium conducted at the Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice conference, San Francisco, CA.
*Jiang, H., White, M., Greicius, M., Waelde, L., & Spiegel, D. (2014, December). Brain activity and connectivity underlying hypnosis. Poster session presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ.
Hechanova-Alampay, R., Perfecto Ramos, P. A., & Waelde, L. C. (2014, November). A pilot study of a psychological first aid workshop to enhance disaster knowledge and coping self-efficacy among Filipino disaster responders following Typhoon Haiyan. Poster session presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.
Ramos, P.A., Landoy, B., Kintanar, N., Hechanova, R.A., & Waelde, L. (2014, Augest) Responders’ experiences of a group-based type of PFA. Presented in the 51st National Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines. Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.
Golianu, B., & Waelde, L. C. (2013, June). Mindfulness meditation for pediatric chronic pain: Effects and precautions. Poster session presented at the 9th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Stockholm, Sweden.
*Parkins, M. M. Williams, S. N., & Waelde, L. C. (2013, August). Nonrandomized controlled study of Inner Resources meditation with detained juveniles. Poster session to be presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Waelde, L. C. (August, 2013). Mindfulness and trauma and the Four Question Framework. In L. C. Waelde (Chair) Implementation, evaluation, and integration of the Four Question Framework for peacebuilding. Invited symposium to be presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
*Thompson, J. T., Iwanicki, S., & Waelde, L. C. (2012, November). Uses of mindfulness and meditation in trauma therapy: A therapist survey. Poster session presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.
*Delorefice, A., Pan, I., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, August). Ethnic differences in responses to meditation among mental health workers following Hurricane Katrina. Poster session to be presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, November). Therapeutic applications of meditation and mindfulness. Pre-Meeting Institute presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, June). Choosing outcomes for investigations of mindfulness and meditation as trauma interventions. Paper session presented at the Transforming Trauma Forum, Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, March). Therapeutic meditation: Theory, research and practice. Mental Health Directorate Grand Rounds, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, March). Inner Resources for facilitators: Initial training. Workshop presented to the Mental Health Directorate, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CA.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, March). Research designs for yoga therapy studies. Paper session presented at the Third IAYT Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, Los Angeles, CA.
*Waelde, L. C., Uddo, M., Estupinian, G., Mortensen., M. J., Kukreja, S., Spannring, J., & Zief, A. (2008, November). Meditation homework adherence in PTSD treatment. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.
*Waelde, L. C., Marquett, R., Ropelato, M., Freightman, S., Pardo, A., Salazar, J., & Uddo., M. (2007, August). Meditation for mental health workers following Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, 2007, San Francisco, CA.
*Kukreja, S., Carr, M., Estupinian, G., Mortensen, M. J., Penner, A., Gallagher-Thompson, D., & Waelde, L. C. (2007, August). Meditation homework adherence among family dementia caregivers. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, 2007, San Francisco, CA.
Selected Treatment Manuals
Waelde, L. C. (2014). Inner Resources for Stress (3rd ed.).
Waelde, L. C. (2011). Inner Resources for Veterans Therapist Training Manual.
Waelde, L. C. (2011). Inner Resources for Veterans Participant Manual (2nd ed.).
Waelde, L. C. (2011). Inner Resources for Teens: A Six-Week Program for Coping with Chronic Pain.
Waelde, L. C. (2009). Inner Resources: A Four Week Program for Active Duty Military and Veterans.
Waelde, L. C. (2003). Inner Resources Therapist Training Manual.
Waelde, L. C. (2003). Inner Resources for Caregivers: A Psychotherapeutic Program of Meditation (2nd ed.).
Waelde, L. C. (1999). Inner Resources: A Psychotherapeutic Program of Yoga and Meditation.