Trauma, Dissociation and PTSD Research Lab
Trauma, Dissociation, and PTSD Research Lab
Lynn C. Waelde, Ph.D.
This research lab (RL) will be the best match for students who are interested in learning to conduct research through every phase from initial literature review through data collection and preparing papers for publication. The RL meets for one hour every other week during the regular school terms to coordinate our collaborative projects and for didactics and discussion about research. Meetings are held at a time that is mutually convenient for RL members.
Topics: We focus on relationships of stressor characteristics and individual differences to manifestations of trauma disorders, with a particular focus on the assessment and impact of race-related stress and assessment of dissociation its relationship to trauma disorders. Another area of focus is the application of mindfulness and meditation for trauma and stressor-related disorders, in clinical and disaster contexts.
Openings: 2 to 4 new members to join the RL in Fall quarter.
Application Process: Interested students can attend a meeting of the RL during any quarter. Please contact Casey McGinnis at to schedule a visit.
Applicants are asked to submit the following items as attachments to an email to Dr. Waelde by the regular deadline. Applicants will have the opportunity to interview for the lab to discuss the match between the RL and their interests.
Brief email discussing past research experience, how and why the student became interested in trauma, dissociation, and PTSD, and a description of specific research and clinical interests in this group.
Curriculum Vitae
A writign sample, which can be a paper submitted for a class while a student at PAU
Unoffical PAU transcript
Questions?: Contact Dr. Waelde ( or student reps Casey McGinnis ( and Hillary Meyer (
Recent Trauma-Related Publications (those with student coauthors marked by *):
*Carlson, E. B., Waelde, L. C., Palmieri, P. A., Macia, K., Smith, S., & McDade-Montez, E. (2018). Development and validation of the Dissociative Symptoms Scale. Assessment, 25, 84-98. doi:10.1177/1073191116645904
Hechanova, M. R. M. & Waelde, L. C. (2017). The influence of culture on disaster mental health and psychosocial support interventions in Southeast Asia. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 20, 31-44. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2017.1322048
*Waelde, L. C., Hechanova, M. R. M., Ramos, P. A. P., Macia, K. S., & Moschetto, J. M. (2017). Mindfulness and mantra training for disaster mental health workers in the Phillippines. Mindfulness, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12671-017-0855-2
Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., & Ramos, P. A. P. (2016). Evaluation of a group-based resilience intervention for disaster survivors in the Philippines. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/prp.2016.9.
*Carlson, E. B., Waelde, L. C., Palmieri, P. A., Macia, K., Smith, S., & McDade-Montez, E. (2016). Development and validation of the Dissociative Symptoms Scale. Assessment. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1073191116645904
*Waelde, L. C., Thompson, J. M., Robinson, A., & Iwanicki, S. (2016). Trauma therapists’ clinical applications, training, and personal practice of mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness, 7, 622-629. doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0497-9
Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., Docena, P. S., Alampay, L. P., Alianan, A. S., Flores, M. J. B., Ramos, P. A. P., & Melgar, M. I. E. (2015). The development and initial evaluation of Katatagan: A resilience intervention for Filipino disaster survivors. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 48, 105-131.
Hechanova, M. R. M., Ramos, P. A. P., & Waelde, L. C. (2015). Group-based mindfulness-informed psychological first aid after Typhoon Haiyan. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24, 610-618. doi: 10.1108/DPM-01-2015-0015
Waelde, L. C. (2015). Mindfulness and meditation for trauma-related dissociation. In V. Follette, J. Briere, J. Hopper, D. Rozelle, & D. Rome (Eds.). Mindfulness-oriented interventions for trauma: Integrating contemplative practices (pp. 301-313). New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press.
Murray-Swank, N. A., & Waelde, L. C. (2013). Spirituality, religion, and sexual trauma: Integrating research, theory, and clinical practice. In K. I. Pargament, A. Mahoney, E. P. Shafranske (Eds.), APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol 2): An applied psychology of religion and spirituality (pp. 335-354). Washington, DC US: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/14046-017
Waelde, L. C. (2012). Role of trauma in ethnic identity. In C. R. Figley, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of trauma: An interdisciplinary guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Waelde, L. C. (2012). Trauma triggers. In C. R. Figley, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of trauma: An interdisciplinary guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
*Estupinian, G., & Waelde, L. C. (2011). The impact of spirituality on posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among military personnel. Counselling and Spirituality, 30, 91-106.
*Waelde, L. C., Pennington, D., Mahan, C., Mahan, R., Kabour, M., & Marquett, R. (2010). Psychometric properties of the Race-Related Events Scale: A measure of race-related stress. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2, 4-11.
*Waelde, L. C., Silvern, L., Carlson, E., Fairbank, J. A., & Kletter, H. (2009). Dissociation in PTSD. In P. F. Dell & J. A. O’Neil, (Eds.), Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond (pp. 447-456). New York: Routledge.
*Bruce, E., & Waelde, L. C. (2008). Relationships of ethnic identity and trauma symptoms to delinquency. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 13, 395-405.
*Waelde, L. C., Uddo, M., Marquett, R., Ropelato, M., Freightman, S., Pardo, A., Salazar, J. (2008). A pilot study of meditation for mental health workers following Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21, 497-500.
Waelde, L. C. (2008). Meditation. In G. Reyes, J. D. Elhai, & J. D. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychological trauma. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
*Khaylis, A., Waelde, L. C., & Bruce, E. (2007). The role of ethnic identity in the relationship of race-related stress to PTSD symptoms among young adults. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 8, 91-105.
Waelde, L. C., Silvern, L., & Fairbank, J. A. (2005). A taxometric investigation of dissociation in Vietnam Veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 359-369.
Schnurr, P. P., Lunney, C., Sengupta, A., & Waelde, L. C. (2003). A descriptive analysis of PTSD subtypes among Vietnam veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 16, 545-553.
Waelde, L. C., Koopman, C., Rierdan, J., & Spiegel, D. (2001). Symptoms of acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder following exposure to disastrous flooding. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 2(2), 37-52.
Cardeña, E., Koopman, C., Classen, C., Waelde, L. C., & Spiegel, D. (2000). Psychometric properties of the Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire (SASRQ): A valid and reliable measure of acute stress. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 13, 719-734.
Recent Trauma-Related Presentations (those with student coauthors marked by *):
*Waelde, L. C., Macia, K., Carson, E., Anglin, D., & Palmieri, P. (2016, November). Development and validation of a short form of the Dissociative Symptoms Scale. In E. Carlson (Chair) Posttraumatic dissociation: Intergroup and interindividual variability, impact on treatment, and brief assessment. Symposium conducted at the 32th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.
*Macia, K., Carlson, E., Waelde, L. C., & Palmieri, P. (2016, November). Heterogeneity in manifestations of dissociation across individuals from diverse clinical and non-clinical samples. In E. Carlson (Chair) Posttraumatic dissociation: Intergroup and interindividual variability, impact on treatment, and brief assessment. Symposium conducted at the 32th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.
*Anglin, D., Carlson, E., Espinosa, A., Waelde, L. C., Polanco-Roman, L., Macia, K., Palmieri, P., & Smith, S. (2016, November). The structure of the Dissociative Symptoms Scale across race and ethnicity: A test of measurement invariance using latent class analysis in a non-clinical sample. In E. Carlson (Chair) Posttraumatic dissociation: Intergroup and interindividual variability, impact on treatment, and brief assessment. Symposium conducted at the 32th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX
*Aramburo, J., Tormala, T. T., & Waelde, L. C. (2016, August). Exploring the interactions between ethnic embeddedness, racial microaggressions, and ethnic identity. Poster presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
*Tormala, T.T., Aramburo, J., & Waelde, L.C. (2016, April). The relationship between microaggressions, ethnic identity, and networks of color. Poster presented at the California Psychological Association Convention, Irvine, CA.
*Aramburo, J., Tormala, T. T., & Waelde, L. C. (2016, April). The relationship between ethnic embeddedness, racial microaggressions, and ethnic identity. Poster presented at the 96th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, Long Beach, CA.
*Waelde, L. C., Tormala, T., Macia, K., & Gonzalez, V. (November, 2015). Perception of racially hostile environment and race-related PTSD among college students. Poster session conducted at the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, LA.
Waelde, L. C., Thompson, K. E., Williams, M. W., & Newsome, M. (2015, June). Randomized pilot study of Inner Resources for Veterans mindfulness and mantra intervention for PTSD among military veterans. In Mindfulness interventions for PTSD. Symposium conducted at the Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice conference, San Francisco, CA.
Waelde, L. C. (2015, June). Mindfulness, meditation, and mantra: Results from clinical trials of in Inner Resources. In L. C. Waelde (Chair) Exploring the meaning of mindfulness across a range of clinical applications. Panel session presented at the Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice conference, San Francisco, CA.
Hechanova-Alampay, R., Perfecto Ramos, P. A., & Waelde, L. C. (2014, November). A pilot study of a psychological first aid workshop to enhance disaster knowledge and coping self-efficacy among Filipino disaster responders following Typhoon Haiyan. Poster session presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.
*Macia, K., Benedict, B., & Waelde, L. C. (2014, November). The multifaceted role of ethnic identity in the relationship between perception of racially hostile environment and PTSD symptoms. Poster session presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.
Perfecto Ramos, P. A., Hechanova-Alampay, R., & Waelde, L. C. (2014, November). Cultural rationale for the Philippine adaptation of psychological first aid. Poster session presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, FL.
Ramos, P.A., Landoy, B., Kintanar, N., Hechanova, R.A., & Waelde, L. (2014, Augest) Responders’ experiences of a group-based type of PFA. Presented in the 51st National Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines. Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.
*Parkins, M. M. Williams, S. N., & Waelde, L. C. (2013, August). Nonrandomized controlled study of Inner Resources meditation with detained juveniles. Poster session to be presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Waelde, L. C. (August, 2013). Mindfulness and trauma and the Four Question Framework. In L. C. Waelde (Chair) Implementation, evaluation, and integration of the Four Question Framework for peacebuilding. Invited symposium to be presented at the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
*Thompson, J. T., Iwanicki, S., & Waelde, L. C. (2012, November). Uses of mindfulness and meditation in trauma therapy: A therapist survey. Poster session presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.
Carlson, E. B., Waelde, L. C., Palmieri, P. A., Smith, S., McDade-Montez, E., Gautier, J. (2011, November). Validation studies of the Traumatic Dissociation Scale: A measure of dissociation associated with traumatic stress. In E. Wolf (Chair) Dissociation in PTSD: Assessment and treatment implications. Symposium conducted at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
*Gruen, J., Harrison, L., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, November). Early postdisaster social support predicts long term PTSD. Poster session presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
*Pan, I., Delorefice, A., Harrison, L., Gruen, J., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, November). Ethnic differences in exposure to race-related stressors. Poster session presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
Waelde, L. C. (2011, November). Forging social bonds through dance: The Chitresh Das Dance Company in the Red Light District of Kolkata. Featured presentation presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
*Waelde, L. C., Pan, I., Delorefice, A., Gruen, J., & Harrison, L. (2011, November). Perceptions of racist environment and race-related PTSD. In B. Ghafoori (Chair) Racism, psychological distress, and treatment seeking in racially and ethnically diverse trauma survivors. Symposium to be conducted at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
*Delorefice, A., Pan, I., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, August). Ethnic differences in responses to meditation. Poster session presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
*Estupinian, G., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, August). The impact of spirituality on posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among military personnel. Poster session presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
*Kukreja, S., & Waelde, L. C. (2011, August). Posttraumatic growth among OEF/OIF era military personnel. Poster session presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
*Nazzal, K.H., Ng, N., Waelde, L. C., & Gomez, R. (August, 2011). Impact of Arab and United States’ identification levels and religion on race-related stress and perception of a racist environment in Arab Americans. Poster session presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
*Pan, I., Delorefice, A., Shapiro, A., & Waelde, L. C. (2010, November). Responses to intrusions and PTSD among active duty military. Poster session presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
*Ropelato, M., & Waelde, L. C. (2010, August). Religious coping in race-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Poster session presented at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Waelde, L. C. (2009, November). Responses to race-related stress among diverse ethnic groups. In Elisa Triffleman (Chair) Race and sexual minority-related stressors in the intersection between diversity and trauma. Symposium presented 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA.
Waelde, L. C. (2008, November). Possible mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation as PTSD interventions. In L. C. Waelde (Chair), Mindfulness, meditation, and CBT: Similarities and differences. Symposium conducted at the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.
*Waelde, L. C., Uddo, M., Estupinian, G., Mortensen., M. J., Kukreja, S., Spannring, J., & Zief, A. (2008, November). Meditation homework adherence in PTSD treatment. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.
Niles, B., Luterek, J., Walser, R., & Waelde, L. C. (2007, November). In B. Niles (Chair), Use of mindfulness training in the treatment of PTSD for veterans. Symposium conducted at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
*Waelde, L. C., Marquett, R., Ropelato, M., Freightman, S., Pardo, A., Salazar, J., & Uddo., M. (2007, August). Meditation for mental health workers following Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
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