Asian Pacific American Student Association (APASA)
2023-2024 Executive Board
- President: Holly Fitch hfitch@paloaltou.edu
- Treasurer: Qimin Liu qliu@paloaltou.edu
- Faculty Advisor: Sita Patel, PhD spatel@paloaltou.edu
Contact: APASA@paloaltou.edu
The Asian Pacific American Student Association (APASA) is an inclusive student organization at Palo Alto University (PAU) that seeks to build a culturally sensitive and aware community by offering PAU students opportunities for professional development and mentorship. This year, APASA endeavors to organize programs that promote reflective practice, with the implicit goal of increasing awareness related to Asian and Pacific Islander mental health and experiences. To join APASA’s email list for information on upcoming programs and events, please email apasa@paloaltou.edu with your name, program, and a brief description of your own vision for APASA events!
updated 04.2024