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Risk and Resilience Research Lab

**Not accepting new students**

Risk and Resilience Research Lab website

Recent Risk and Resilience Research Lab studies have examined behavioral health and disasters, late-life suicide, homelessness, mental health assessment and intervention, palliative care, and end-of-life issues.

The Risk and Resilience Research Lab focuses on:

  • Exploring mental health needs and use of evidence-based interventions and treatments with underserved populations (e.g., refugees, homeless, older adults, nursing home residents, ethnic minorities)
  • Developing and implementing programs for people who have experienced traumatic events (e.g., disaster, terrorism, suicide, relocation, violence)
  • Investigating the determinants of resilience and risk in response to life stressors and traumatic events
  • Using social marketing and community participatory research strategies to facilitate engagement in healthcare and social services
  • Refining and evaluating public health initiatives and interventions to enhance disaster planning, response, and recovery
Lisa Brown, PhD, Faculty at Palo Alto University
Lisa M. Brown, PhD, ABPP, Research Advisor

Student papers, presentations, and professional development:

All Risk and Resilience Research Lab members are working on independent writing and research projects as pre-dissertation training experiences. Lab members work collaboratively with each other and with Dr. Brown on new and existing projects.

The goals of the Risk and Resilience Research Lab are to foster a) research competency b) writing proficiency, c) presentation skills, and d) professional development.

The Risk and Resilience Research Lab will be of particular interest to students who are interested in establishing their own program of research and aspire to publish in scientific journals while in graduate school. Research can be focused on forensics, neuropsychology, global mental health, adult trauma (e.g., screening, diagnosis, treatment), or resilience. Students who have strong writing abilities and solid statistical skills will benefit most from membership in the Risk and Resilience Research Lab.


Two to three students will be invited to join the Risk and Resilience Research Lab.

How to Apply

Interested students are invited to submit the following documents to Dr. Lisa Brown for consideration for lab membership.

Send all documents listed below to:

List your name and the type of document as the document file name using the format shown below.

  • Current PAU unofficial transcript YourNameTranscript
  • CV YourNameCV
  • Brief essay (300 to 400 words). YourNameEssay


Brief essay instructions: Write a 300-word (minimum) to 400-word (maximum) essay describing your past research experience, unique qualifications (e.g., statistical skills, software proficiency, writing ability), and career interests (e.g., type of internship placement desired, ideal employment goal – academic, VA, nonprofit). This is an opportunity to present yourself as a professional, showcase your writing skills, and make a solid argument as to why you are a good fit with our lab based on your skills and your short and long-term career goals.

Based on your application materials, Dr. Brown and current research lab members will interview a select group of applicants. The interview is an opportunity to learn if the Risk and Resilience Research Lab is a good fit.