Tilman Schulte, PhD

Contact Information:
tschulte@paloaltou.eduOther Positions:
Psychology Department Chair
Dr. Schulte joined SRI International as a Research Scientist in 2004 and became a Program Director in the Center of Health Sciences in 2013 (Biosciences Division, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA).
His research interests are to advance a mechanistic understanding of the effects of normal aging, chronic alcoholism, HIV-infection, and Parkinson’s disease on the brain using a variety of in vivo neuroimaging such as MRI, DTI, fMRI, and rs-fcMRI. He has extensive knowledge in Cognitive Psychology and its translation into functional MRI paradigms to test the neural correlates of cognition and behavior in the MRI scanner environment in healthy and pathological aging. He has investigated several component brain functions such as automatic and selective aspects of attention, working memory, executive control, conflict resolution, and their interaction with emotion and reward, as well visuomotor coordination, interhemispheric communication and transfer of information, and laterality of brain functions. In his experimental work and clinical neuroscience approach he has used different kinds of brain-imaging modalities and analysis techniques to quantify group differences and age-related brain trajectories in structure such as regional tissue volumes, microstructural white matter fiber integrity, and functional brain network connectivity.
Areas of Interest:
Cognition and Behavior, Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology
Selected Publications:
Müller-Oehring EM, Jung Y-C, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV, Schulte T (2014).
The resting brain of alcoholics. Cerebral Cortex. Jun 16. [Epub ahead of
Jung Y-C, Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Namkoong K, Pfefferbaum A, Edith V.
Sullivan EV (2014). Compromised frontocerebellar circuitry contributes to
nonplanning impulsivity in recovering alcoholics. Psychopharmacology. May
1. [Epub ahead of print].
Jung Y-C, Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Hawkes W, Namkoong K, Pfefferbaum
A, Sullivan EV (2014). Synchrony of anterior cingulate cortex and
insular-striatal circuitry activation predicts use of a risk-aversion
strategy in decision-making. Cerebral Cortex. 24: 1397-1408.
Müller-Oehring EM, Jung Y-C, Sullivan EV, Hawkes WC, Pfefferbaum A, Schulte
T (2013). Midbrain-driven Emotion and Reward Processing in Alcoholism.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 38: 1844-1853.
Schulte T, Maddah M, Müller-Oehring EM, Rohlfing T, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan
EV (2013). Fiber Tract-driven Topographical Mapping Reveals Microstructural
Relevance for Interhemispheric Visuomotor Function in the Aging Brain.
NeuroImage. 77: 195-206.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Rohlfing T, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A
(2013). Visual Search and the Aging Brain: Discerning the Effects of
Age-related Brain Volume Shrinkage on Alertness, Feature Binding, and
Attentional Control. Neuropsychology, 27: 48-59.
Schulte T, Oberlin B, Kareken DA, Marinkovic K, Müller-Oehring EM,
Meyerhoff D, Tapert S. (2012). How Acute and Chronic Alcohol Consumption
affects Brain Networks: Insights from Multimodal Neuroimaging. Alcoholism:
Clinical and Experimental Research, 36: 2017-2027.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A (2012). White
matter fiber compromise contributes differentially to attention and emotion
processing impairment in alcoholism, HIV-infection, and their comorbidity.
Neuropsychologia, 50: 2812–2822.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A (2012). Synchrony
of corticostriatal-midbrain activation enables normal inhibitory control
and conflict processing in recovering alcoholic men. Biological Psychiatry,
71: 269-278.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Sullivan EV, Pfefferbaum A (2011). Disruption
of Emotion and Conflict Processing in HIV Infection with and without
Alcoholism Comorbidity. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
Society, 22: 1-14.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Chanraud S, Rosenbloom MJ, Pfefferbaum A,
Sullivan EV (2011). Age-related reorganization of functional networks for
successful conflict resolution: A combined functional and structural MRI
study. Neurobiology of Aging, 32: 2075-2090.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2010).
Neurocircuitry of Emotion and Cognition in Alcoholism: Contributions from
White Matter Fiber Tractography. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2:
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Rohlfing T, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV
(2010). White Matter Fiber Degradation Attenuates Hemispheric Asymmetry
When Integrating Visuomotor Information. Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 12168
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM (2010). Contribution of callosal connections
to the integration of visuomotor and cognitive processes. Neuropsychology
Review, 20: 174-90.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Rosenbloom MJ, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV
(2010). Callosal Degradation in HIV-1 Infection Predicts Hierarchical
Perception: A DTI study. Neuropsychologia, 48: 1133-1143.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Kasten E, Poggel DA, Müller I, Wüstenberg T,
Sabel BA (2009). Parallel Interhemispheric Processing in Hemineglect:
Relation to Visual Field Defects. Neuropsychologia, 47: 2397-2408.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Vinco S, Hoeft, F, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV
(2009). Double dissociation between action-driven and perception-driven
conflict resolution invoking anterior versus posterior brain systems.
Neuroimage, 48: 381-390.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Fama R, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2009).
Global-Local Interference is Related to Callosal Compromise in Alcoholism:
A Behavior-DTI Association Study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, 33: 477-489.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2008). Callosal
Compromise Differentially Affects Conflict Processing and Attentional
Allocation in Alcoholism, HIV-Infection, and Their Comorbidity. Brain
Imaging and Behavior, 2: 27–38.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Raassi C, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2007).
Local-global interference is modulated by age, sex and anterior corpus
callosum size. Brain Research, 1142: 189-205.
Wurst FM, Rasmussen DD, Hillemacher T, Kraus T, Ramskogler K, Lesch O,
Bayerlein K, Schanze A, Wilhelm J, Junghanns K, Schulte T, Dammann G,
Pridzun L, Wiesbeck G, Kornhuber J, Bleich S (2007). Alcoholism, craving,
and hormones: the role of leptin, ghrelin, prolactin, and the
pro-opiomelanocortin system in modulating ethanol intake. Alcoholism:
Clinical and Experimental Research, 31: 1963-1967.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2006). Callosal
Involvement in a Lateralized Stroop Task in Alcoholic and Healthy Subjects.
Neuropsychology, 20: 727-736.
Schulte T, Chen SHA, Müller-Oehring EM, Adalsteinsson E, Pfefferbaum A,
Sullivan EV (2006). fMRI Evidence for Frontal Modulation of the
Extrastriate – dependent Redundant Targets Effect. Neuroimage, 30: 973 -
Dammann G, Dierkes J, Graf M, Wiesbeck GA, Pridzun L, Schulte T, Westphal
S, Luley C, Allen JP, Wurst FM (2005). No significant effect of acute
moderate alcohol intake on leptin levels in healthy male volunteers.
Addiction Biology, 10: 357-364.
Schulte T, Sullivan EV, Müller-Oehring EM, Adalsteinsson E, Pfefferbaum A
(2005). Corpus callosal microstructural integrity influences
interhemispheric processing: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Cerebral
Cortex, 15: 1384 -1392.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Rosenbloom MJ, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV
(2005). Differential Effect of HIV Infection and Alcoholism on Conflict
Processing, Attentional Allocation, and Perceptual Load: Evidence from a
STROOP Match-to-Sample Task. Biological Psychiatry, 57: 67-75.
Schulte T, Pfefferbaum A, Sullivan EV (2004). Parallel interhemispheric
processing in aging and alcoholism: Relation to corpus callosum size.
Neuropsychologia, 42: 257-271.
Müller-Oehring EM, Kasten E, Poggel DA, Schulte T, Strasburger H, Sabel BA
(2003). Neglect and hemianopia superimposed. Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, 25: 1154-1168.
Schulte T, Warzel H, Westphal S, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Dierkes
J, Sabel BA (2002). The acute effect of moderate alcohol consumption on
cardiovascular responses in healthy males with different tolerance-levels.
Neuropsychobiology, 45: 191-198.
Schulte T, Warzel H, Strasburger H, Sabel BA (2001). Deficits of
Respiratory-Cardiac Coupling in Heavy Drinkers. Prog
Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biol Psychiatry, 25: 1241-1256.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Strasburger H, Warzel H, Sabel BA (2001).
Acute effects of alcohol on divided and covert attention in men.
Psychopharmacology, 154: 61-69.
Schulte T, Müller-Oehring EM, Kasten E, Sabel BA (2001). Verfahren zur
selbsteingeschätzten Alkoholtoleranz. (Assessing pre-clinical alcohol
tolerance by a short questionnaire): Der Magdeburger-Alkoholtoleranz-Test
(MATT). Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 2: 69-78.
Kasten E, Poggel D, Müller-Oehring EM, Gothe J, Schulte T, Sabel BA (1999).
Restoration of vision II: Residual functions and training-induced visual
field enlargement in brain-damaged patients. Restorative Neurology and
Neuroscience, 15: 273-287.
Schulte T, Strasburger H, Müller-Oehring EM, Sabel BA (1999). Automobile
Driving Performance of Brain-Injured Patients with Visual Field Defects.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 78: 136-142.
Kasten E, Schulte T, Sabel BA (1997). Fahrtauglichkeit und Fahrpraxis bei
Personen mit erworbenen Gesichtsfeldeinschränkungen [Driving Performance
and Practice by Persons with Cerebral Visual Field Loss - A Descriptive
Questionnaire Assessment]. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 43: 116-122.
*Chapters and Editorials*
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T (2013). Cognition, Emotion, and Attention:
Alcohol and the nervous system (Handbook of Clinical Neurology).
Pfefferbaum A and Sullivan EV (Eds.): Elsevier (in press).
Schulte T, Kasten E. (2002). Burtscheidt, W. (Verf.): Integrative
Verhaltenstherapie bei Alkoholabhängigkeit: ein Therapiemanual.
[Integrative Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy in Alcohol Use Disorder: A
Manual]. Berlin: Springer, 2001 Z. Med. Psychol. 11, No.1, p. 22 (Book
Schulte T (2001). Subjective and Objective Measurement of Alcohol
Tolerance. Shaker Verlag: Aachen.
Kasten E, Wüst S, Poggel D, Gothe J, Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T, Sabel BA
(2000). Plastizität des visuellen Systems bei hirngeschädigten Patienten –
Stand der Forschung [Neuroplasticity of the visual system after cerebral
brain damage]. In: Neue Wege der Neurorehabilitation. Hrsg. Daum I, Widdig
W, Pabst: Berlin.
Poggel D.A, Schulte T, Kasten E, Sabel BA (2001). Aging, vision, and brain
plasticity: Restoring lost visual functions by computer-based training. In
Charness, N, Parks, DC and Sabel, BA (Eds.): Communication, Technology, and
Aging: Opportunities and challenges for the future. New York: Springer,
Schulte T, Kasten E, Sabel BA (1997). Beurteilung der Fahrleistung bei
Personen mit cerebralen Sehstörungen: Eine Fahrsimulatorstudie [Evaluation
of Driving Performance in Anopic Patients after Cerebral Brain Damage: A
Driving Simulator Study]. In: Fortschritte der Verkehrspsychologie 1996.
Deutscher Psychologen Verlag, 89-98.
Müller-Oehring EM, Schulte T (1998). Die Behandlung von Neglect [Treatment
of Neglect Disorder]. In: Effektive neuropsychologische
Behandlungsmethoden. Deutscher Psychologen Verlag, 166-85.
*Conference Symposia*
Organizer and Chair of the Symposium: International studies on brain
structure and function from uncomplicated alcoholism to Korsakoff’s
syndrome.’ 37th Annual RSA Scientific Meeting, JUNE 21-25, 2014, Bellevue,
WASHINGTON: Organizers/Chairs: Tilman Schulte, Neuroscience Program, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA 9402.
Organizer and Chair of the Symposium: How brain networks are affected by
acute and chronic alcohol consumption: Insights from multimodal
neuroimaging. 34th Annual RSA Scientific Meeting, JUNE 25-29, 2011,
ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Organizers/Chairs: Tilman Schulte, Neuroscience Program,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 9402 and Susan Tapert, Dept. of
Psychiatry, Univ. of California, San Diego, CA 92161