Scott Hines

University Librarian and Director of Academic Technology
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Scott Hines moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2002 from New Jersey, where he was Digital Initiatives Librarian and Instructor in Communication at Rutgers University. He holds bachelors and masters degrees from the Rutgers School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies, and also studied chemistry, religion, and philosophy at New College of Florida.
He is currently the University Librarian and Director of Academic Technology at Palo Alto University (PAU) and has worked at PAU since 2003.
After growing up on the warm beaches of Pensacola, Florida, Scott is always a bit perplexed by the chilly water of Northern California beaches, but enjoys them nonetheless.
Scott recently served on the American Psychological Association's APA Publications Manual Revisions Task Force and APA Library Advisory Committee and is a past member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the Board of SCELC and Secretary/Treasurer and past chair of NCCPL (Northern and Central California Psychology Libraries).
He is presently a member of ALA, CARL, NCCPL, and AMHL (Association of Mental Health Librarians).
At PAU, Scott is a member of the Provost's Council, the Staff Council, the Safety Protocol Committee, the Marketing and Communications Committee, and the Executive Resource Board. His past service includes membership on the Presidential Search Committee, the LMS Task Force, and the Web and Portal Committee. He was the Chair of the PAU Staff Council for 2017-18.