Victoria Liou-Johnson

Adjunct Instructor
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PhD, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Palo Alto University
MS, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Palo Alto University
MS, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Gerontology, Notre Dame de Namur University
BA, American Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr. Victoria Liou-Johnson is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit, Hawai’i Behavioral Health Connection (formerly, Maui Strong Mental Health Response), whose mission is to increase equity and access to evidence-based and culturally informed behavioral health care for all people of Hawaiʻi. She is also an Affiliated Scholar at the Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center and is a collaborator on multiple Veterans Affairs Healthcare System projects. Dr. Liou-Johnson’s research interests are varied, but center on health equity and include: health equity, TBI, cognition, trauma, displacement, gender and racial/ethnic differences in health disparities, especially in AA/PI/NH/AN/NA population.
Dr. Liou-Johnson is licensed in multiple states and maintains a small private telehealth practice, which focuses on culturally conscious and culturally appropriate trauma treatment for Indigenous and underserved populations. In addition to clinical and research work, she also enjoys mentoring students and trainees from underrepresented groups through various professional societies and teaching in graduate clinical psychology programs.
Dr. Liou-Johnson has a BA in American Literature, with a BIPOC lit emphasis, and American Indian Studies from UC Santa Cruz, an MS in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Gerontology at Notre Dame de Namur University, which was also where she fell in love with neuropsychology. She is also an alum of PAU’s Clinical Psychology PhD Program with emphasis in Neuropsychology. Dr. Liou-Johnson completed her pre-doctoral internship at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (integrated primary care, neuropsychology) and clinical residency at VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (outpatient PTSD clinic, CLC, outpatient neuropsychology). Post-licensure, she worked in integrated primary care psychology at an FQHC in a rural part of O‘ahu with predominantly Indigenous populations, before returning to research in a 3-year Polytrauma/TBI research fellowship at VA Palo Alto and the Design, Innovation, and Clinical Entrepreneurship Fellowship at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Areas of Interest:
Cognition, Traumatic Brain Injury, Aging, Trauma, Health Equity, Diversity, Indigenous populations
Selected Publications:
Vasic, S., Xia, B., Dini, M.E., Klyce, D.W., Tyler, C.M., Juengst, S.B., Liou-Johnson, V., Gary, K.W., Dams-O’Connor, K., Kumar, R.G.,…Perrin, P.B. (2024) Community Participation Trajectories over the 5 Years after Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Veterans: A U.S. Veterans Affairs Model Systems Study. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. TBI Model Systems, Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.
Dini, M.E., Wallace, R.E., Klyce, D.W., Tyler, C.M.., Vriesman, M., Juengst, S.B., Liou-Johnson, V., Gary, K. W., Dams-O’Connor, K., Kumar, R.G.,… Perrin, P.B. (2024). Functional Independence Trajectories over 5 Years in Older Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Model Systems Study. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. TBI Model Systems, Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.
Liou-Johnson, V., Narayan, A., Odama, U., & Shah, N.R. (2024). A Person-Centered Approach to Kidney Care, NEJM Catalyst, 5(1), CAT.23.0376. https://doi.org/10.1056/CAT.23.0376
Kennedy, E., Vadlamani, S., Lindsey, H. M., Lei, P. W., Jo-Pugh, M., Adamson, M.,… Liou-Johnson, V. ... & Wilde, E. A. (2023). Bridging big data: procedures for combining non-equivalent cognitive measures from the ENIGMA Consortium. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.16.524331
Sultana, T., Hasan, M.A., Kang, X., Liou-Johnson, V., Adamson, M.M., & Razi, A. (2023). Neural mechanisms of emotional health in traumatic brain injury patients undergoing rTMS treatment. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-02159-z
Liou-Johnson, V., Merced, K., Klyce, D. W., Agtarap, S., Finn, J. A., Chung, J. S., Campbell, T., Harris, O. A., & Perrin, P. B. (2023). Exploring racial/ethnic disparities in rehabilitation outcomes after TBI: A veterans affairs model systems study. NeuroRehabilitation, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3233/NRE-220225
Silva M.A., Gonzalez A.V., Tang X., Carnahan N.D., Klyce D.W., Liou-Johnson V., Martin, A., Moberg, J., Dreer, L.E. (2023). Examining the relationship between sleep apnea diagnosis and suicide risk in Veterans with traumatic brain injury: A VA TBI Model Systems study. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 10-1097. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000856
Beaudreau, S. A., Van Moorleghem, K., Dodd, S. M., Liou-Johnson, V., Suresh, M., & Gould, C. E. (2021). Satisfaction with a Vacuum Constriction Device for Erectile Dysfunction among Middle-Aged and Older Veterans. Clinical Gerontologist, 1-9. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2020.1823922
Gould, C. E., Spira, A. P., Liou-Johnson, V., Cassidy-Eagle, E., Kawai, M., Mashal, N., O’Hara, R. & Beaudreau, S. A. (2018). Association of anxiety symptom clusters with sleep quality and daytime sleepiness. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73(3), 413-420. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbx020
Gould, C. E., O’Hara, R., Cassidy-Eagle, E.L., Liou-Johnson, V., & Beaudreau, S. A. (2015) Anxiety Symptom Clusters Predict Sleep Quality. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(3), S144-S145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jagp.2014.12.150
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