Janessa Henninger

Adjunct Professor
Contact Information:
Selected Publications:
Cureton, J.L., Clemens, E.V., Henninger, J. et al. (2020) Pre-professional Suicide Training for Counselors: Results of a Readiness Assessment. Int J Ment Health Addiction 18, 27–40 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-9898-4
Strear, M., Forbes, L., and Henninger, J. (2018) Procedures, pitfalls, and product: Delphi methodology in counseling research. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, DOI: 10.1080/21501378.2017.1403847.
Stutey, D., Parra, J., & Diaz, S. (2016). Teen Dating Violence: A Narrative Exploration of One Family's Firsthand Experience, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 11 (3-4), p 254-269
Parra, J. (2015). Counseling Competencies for Child Maltreatment Risk Assessment and Management Dissertation Completed August 2015.