Presidential Search
Palo Alto University seeks a visionary, transformative, inclusive, and decisive leader to serve as its fourth president.
Palo Alto University is a leading private, non-profit institution dedicated to behavioral health education, research, and training. For 50 years, PAU has been at the forefront, preparing exceptional clinicians, advancing groundbreaking research, and investing in accessible, evidence-based care for all.
Guided by the University’s 2021-2026 strategic plan, the next President of Palo Alto University will have a remarkable opportunity to lead the institution into the future, building on a foundation of academic and inclusive excellence. The President will be expected to embody reflective and thoughtful leadership, advocate passionately for academic excellence, set high standards, and celebrate impactful collaboration and innovation.
The Presidential Search Committee of Palo Alto University is charged with identifying and recommending qualified candidates for the position of President. This committee will work in partnership with the executive search firm WittKieffer to conduct a thorough and inclusive national search.
- Carol Bobby, PhD
- Louis Chicoine, MSW, MPA
- Ky Le, BA
- Daniele Levy, PhD, MBA | Board Chair
- James Otieno, MS IR
- Karen Scussel, MBA | Search Committee Chair
- Janice Kuo | Professor, Psychology
- Jonathan Peretz | Associate Professor, Psychology
- Shreya Vaishnav | Assistant Professor, Counseling
- Donya Wallace | Assistant Professor, Counseling
- Chloe Corcoran | Director of Alumni Relations, Chair of the Staff Council
- Tiana Kraus-Koziol | Director of Academic & Strategic Effectiveness
- Craig Strong | Director of Facilities
Board Professional
- Melanie Morrison | Senior Director of Board & Presidential Operations
Inclusive Search
- Sharon Washington | Inclusive Search Consultant
This profile results from extensive community input and collaboration, capturing the key qualities, experiences, and values deemed essential for the role. It highlights the importance of visionary leadership, a commitment to inclusivity, and a track record of fostering innovation and academic excellence. By aligning with these attributes, our future president will be well-equipped to lead our institution into a new era of growth and achievement. We are excited to attract exceptional candidates dedicated to upholding our mission and driving our community forward.
“We work with colleges and universities to build the leadership teams that foster opportunity and improve quality of life through empowering their learning communities, strengthening their academic offerings, and engaging their supporters.”
Our Team
- Melody Rose, PhD -Partner, WittKieffer
- Alejandra Gillette-Teran, MPA - Senior Consultant, WittKieffer
- Bree Liddell, MBA - Consultant, WittKieffer
- Kierstyn Boling, Executive Search Coordinator, WittKieffer
The WittKieffer search consultants can be contacted at: PAUPresident@wittkieffer.com
To nominate a candidate for consideration by the search advisory committee, please email PAUPresident@wittkieffer.com.
Be sure to include the recommended candidate's:
- Full Name
- Current Institution (optional)
- Email Address (optional)
- Phone Numbers (optional)
The Search Committee thanks the PAU community for their participation in the development of the Leadership Profile. The feedback from Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Trustees will ensure that our next president embodies the values and vision of our community. This feedback was gathered through multiple listening sessions and through an anonymous survey.