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Satveer Kler, PhD

Satveer Kler


Assistant Professor

Contact Information:


Clinical Psychology PhD


Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology - Southern Illinois University Carbondale (2024) 
M.A. in Psychology - Southern Illinois University Carbondale (2021) 
B.A. in Psychology and B.A. in Literature - University of California, Santa Cruz (2018)


Dr. Satveer Kler received their PhD in counseling psychology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He completed his predoctoral internship at University of California, Davis Student Health and Counseling Services. Satveer was a research fellow on the NIAAA funded Enhancing Diversity in Alcohol Research (EDAR) fellowship through the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).

Satveer's research focuses on the interpersonal and institutional/systemic social processes underlying intergenerational trauma, trauma, and substance use among marginalized communities such as BIPOC individuals and LGBTQ+ BIPOC individuals. Satveer's secondary area of interest includes culturally affirming care including BIPOC affirming and trans affirming care. Satveer takes a critical psychology, anti-colonial, and social constructivist lens to research to honor how knowledge production is inseparable from social contexts, postionality, and systems of power, privilege, and oppression. Satveer has expertise in critical qualitative research methodologies including: critical constructivist grounded theory, reflexive thematic analysis, collective autoethnography, consensual qualitative research, community based participatory action research, and photovoice. Satveer mentors students in the clinical psychology PhD program while directing the Substance use and Intergenerational Trauma Social processes (SITS) Research Team. The goal of the SITS research team is to conceptualize intergenerational trauma and substance use in terms of the historical conditions that inform them (e.g., colonialism, cultural dispossession, and institutional oppression) in order to improve communal healing.

Satveer teaches classes in the clinical psychology PhD program and is particularly excited about teaching the cross cultural issues in psychology course.

Areas of Interest:

Teaching Interest Areas

cross cultural psychology; clinical interviewing; supervision theories; qualitative research methodologies

Research Interest Areas

social processes related to trauma, substance use, and intergenerational trauma among BIPOC and LGBTQ+ BIPOC individuals; culturally-affirming care; critical qualitative research methodologies

Selected Publications:

Goldbach, C., Knutson, K., Kler, S., Klooster, D., LeForce, S. E., & Milton, C. (2023). “I Owe No One Any Gender Performance”: Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals’ Experiences of Gender Dysphoria in Bodily, Social, and Systemic Contexts. Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies. 2(1-2), ISSN 2769-2124. 

Kler, S., Shepherd, B.F., & Renteria, R. (2023). Community Connectedness as a Moderator of the Association between Intersectional Microaggressions and Alcohol Use Disorder among Sexual and Gender Minoritized People of Color. Substance Use and Misuse. 58(1), 129-138. 

Kler, S., Arora, S., & Le, T.P. (2022). Validation of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) among LGBTQ+ People of Color. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 1-14. Advance online publication. 

Le, T.P. & Kler, S. (2022). Queer Asian American Men’s Racialized Dating Preferences: The Role of Internalized Racism and Resistance and Empowerment Against Racism. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication. 

Knutson, D., Peter-Hagene, L., & Kler, S. (2022). Liberal Political Orientation Strengthens the Positive Relationship between Religiosity and Support of Restrictive Bathroom Legislation. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 19(1), 119-132.