LIVE: Wellness Visits: Practice Considerations for Clinicians and Public Safety Agencies
April 9, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific
2 Hours | 2 CEs
$125 Registration | $100 Early Registration (through 4/2) | Live Virtual Training via Zoom
Nancy Panza, PhD, ABPP presents a live virtual professional training program on Wellness Visits: Practice Considerations for Clinicians and Public Safety Agencies in partnership with the American Board of Police and Public Safety Psychology (ABPPSP).
A Wellness Visit can be defined as a periodic (often annual), scheduled visit with a qualified mental health professional for the purpose of providing support and improving one's well-being. There has been significant confusion about this service, with little professional guidance or empirical literature available to provide clarity.
This program will provide insights for clinicians and agencies who are offering (or planning to offer) this service to public safety employees. A review of existing literature and legal mandates will be provided, along with an overview of common practices of clinicians across the United States. Important issues, such as record keeping, confidentiality, the use of testing, and ethical issues related to providing other services within the same agency will be discussed. Participants will leave the program with an understanding of the current state of research and practice related to Wellness Visits.