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PAU Email Signatures

Email serves as a crucial tool for daily communication, connecting us with colleagues and audiences alike. In the realm of electronic communication, we not only establish and fortify our professional identity but also represent our respective departments and the values of Palo Alto University (PAU). 

Maintaining a professional email persona is vital, encompassing elements like signature format and other formatting choices. Additionally, email signatures need to adhere to specific guidelines aligning with PAU's overall branding strategy. It is imperative that the address style, tone, spelling, grammar, and punctuation in all messages reflect the formal standards of business communication.

To help achieve consistent formatting and adherence to the PAU brand, we have established these email signature guidelines for anyone using a email address.


Email Signature Template 
Email signature guidelines







Email Signature - 50th Anniversary Celebration 
50th Celebration Signature










Instructions to set up in Gmail can be found here.


Not finding what you are looking for? Have additional questions?

PAU's Brand Center is an evolving resource. If you have a suggestion, edit or addition, please email us at