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PAU Logos

Horizontal Logo Options

The horizontal logo considered the official logo of the university. This version of the logo should be used for signage, official university documents, press releases, and any other high-profile applications that require the full brand identity.

PAU horizontal logo blue no tagline



Click to download this version. JPG | PNG (.png = transparent background)


Stacked Logo Option

In situations where the horizontal logo layout is not suitable due to space constraints, a secondary stacked logo version may be used. This may occur in narrow or compact design layouts where the horizontal logo would appear too small and difficult to read.

PAU Stacked logo blue - no tagline




Click to download this version. JPG | PNG (.png = transparent background)
Need other options? Email us at


Vertical Option

PAU vertical logo





This alternative, more vertical logo is designed to be used where available space is not wide enough for the preferred version to fit at an appropriate size. This version is well suited for spaces such as web “skyscaper” digital ads, a light pole banner, or admissions college fair pop-up banner.

Click to download this version. JPG | PNG (.png = transparent background)


Monogram Option

PAU monogram logo



The logo above, labeled “Monogram,” is a secondary mark for the university. The initials PAU are used to identify the university when a more complete version of the logo will not fit the space provided such as in many social media applications.

This is also good for use in situations where the identity is well-established. For example, as a closing mark on a publication or the footer, or a website who’s cover or header bears the full marking. It might also be chosen for campus banners, internal communications, or any use where the full name is not needed or has already been established.

Click to download this version. JPG | PNG (.png = transparent background)


Not finding what you are looking for? Have additional questions?

PAU's Brand Center is an evolving resource. If you have a suggestion, edit or addition, please email us at