Materials at Other Libraries
Finding Materials at Local Libraries
If there are books or journal articles that you need that you cannot find at PAU, you may be able to go to another local college or university library. You can find out if libraries near you have books and journals that you need by using the WorldCat catalog.
Use the link below to search for a book or a journal at other libraries by changing the drop down at this site to Libraries Worldwide rather than Palo Alto University Libraries and then enter your zip code once your search results appear to see if a library near you has the item.
Stanford University Libraries
The Lane Medical Library, the Green Library (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Government Documents), and the Education Library at Stanford are accessible by PAU students.
You can check the Stanford University Libraries catalog to see if they have a book or journal by going to http://library.stanford.edu/ and entering the journal title or the book title in the search box.
The Lane Medical Library at Stanford is open to the public, and they cover medical and psychiatric topics that we do not cover here at the PAU Research Library. You can go there to get photocopies of books and journal articles, but you cannot check books out from Lane Library.
Green Library at Stanford does not offer unrestricted access by the public, but you can gain entrance to the library by going there and entering information about yourself into the computers at the front entrance and show them a picture ID. This method gets you into Green Library 7 times in the next 12 months, but you cannot check books out from Green Library.
The Cubberley Education Library at Stanford is accessible to everyone simply by walking in.
At these two libraries, look for the public terminal to access and download articles and email them to yourself.
Other Local Libraries
To obtain rapid delivery of books from academic and public Libraries in California, visit a public Library that offers the Link Plus service. Link+ is a lending service that gives borrowers free access to thousands of scholarly books. Link+ books are delivered to your home public Library, usually within 3 or 4 days – much faster than Interlibrary Loan! For more information on Link+, check with the public library in the town where you live or work.