"Daily, I find myself drawing on what I had learned in graduate school, including my clinical training and research experiences. These experiences have provided me a robust foundation on which to build additional skills and expertise. In sum, I feel the Consortium prepared me well to become a well-rounded independent practitioner." - Trisha Vinatieri, Ph.D. 

Finds Her Niche as Associate Warden at Federal Bureau of Prisons

From Investment Banker to Mother and Mentor to 30 Orphans.

CONTACT  Catherine Herman

518-527-8215 | cherman@paloaltou.edu


New Video Helps Veterans Navigate Difficult Path to Mental Health Care

Renowned PTSD Expert, Combat Veteran, and Daughter of a

Multi-tour Special Forces Vet Share Their Experience and Offer Advice

Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Suffolk County Juvenile Court Clinic

Taylor completed her MS degree through PAU’s online program before transitioning to the PhD program as a second-year student. She is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Suffolk County Juvenile Court Clinic in Massachusetts where she is conducting forensic evaluations. Taylor's primary research interests include culturally inclusive forensic practice and evidenced-based forensic practices. She is currently working on multiple studies related to cultural competence in forensic assessment. 

Kevin Herdman, a lifelong learner, received his B.S. in Business Administration, M.A. in Business Administration, M.A. in Human Resources Management, Ph.D. in Organizational Development & Human Resources Management and now is a proud graduate of PAU’s M.S. In Psychology Program.    Why PAU? As an undergraduate, I took a psychology class as one of my general requirements. I really liked it and considered making it my major. After careful consideration, I decided to pursue a bachelor's in business administration and accounting.
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