PAU Alumnus Jonah Paquette is interested in positive psychology and well-being and he may just have the antidote to the fatigue and stress many of us have experienced in 2020 and 2021. Dr. Paquette’s new book, "Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Connected," explores the life experiences that cause awe and wonder.    Paquette starts off "Awestruck" by reminding us of the solar eclipse in 2017.

Black History Month is an annual commemoration dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating the achievements made by African Americans. It is also a time we can reflect on our nation’s history, gain a deeper understanding of African American struggles for freedom and equality, and to recognize their importance in U.S. history. 


  The Los Altos Community Foundation (LACF) recently awarded $177,600 in grants to thirty-one nonprofits based in, or serving, the Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View communities.

  Rev. Floyd Thompkins of Foundation for Justice and Peace to Speak

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my then 10-year-old daughter and I walked from our home in Brooklyn to our local elementary school which was our polling place. It was the day of the New York state primaries. I was keeping my daughter home because she had a medical appointment, and she was so excited to be able to vote with Mom. So we were together when we walked out of the school and saw an enormous plume of dark gray smoke rising above Manhattan.

As this difficult year comes to a close, I am more grateful than ever to be a part of our PAU community. The commitment of our faculty, staff, and students to persist in their work through challenging times, and to be in service to the community and to the broader field of mental health is even more important during this time of crisis.

William H. Snow, chair of PAU's Counseling Department, co-authored the introductory article for a special issue of the The Professional Counselor that is designed to inform and support faculty, staff, and administrative efforts in starting or revitalizing doctoral degree programs in counselor education and supervision.
Palo Alto University has a deep bench of psychology and counseling faculty, many of whom also maintain a private practice. With a new year around the corner, we asked them for advice and ideas that can lead to greater well-being in 2021. We share their thoughts with you!  
Maryasha Katz, Adjunct Faculty, Counseling   
Early morning walks. I spend each day on an early morning walk listening to Podcasts. My recent find "Poetry Unbound" has been nourishment for the soul.
  Have you made a New Year’s resolution to advance your career?
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