CONCEPT at Palo Alto University Offers Premium Training for Mental Health Professionals   Since 2009, CONCEPT Professional Training has valued being part of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) community and equipping mental health professionals with education and specialized training for continued success in their practice or organization.    At this year’s annual AP-LS Conference, March 5-7, CONCEPT Professional Training and Palo Alto University (PAU) will celebrate the launch of CONCEPT as Palo Alto Un

Palo Alto University graduate and clinical psychologist Ronald Del Castillo, Ph.D. was recently interviewed on CNN Philippines about the coronavirus and how to deal with fear in the face of a public health crisis. Del Castillo graduated from PAU’s PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium program, before continuing with his education at UCLA, where he received a master’s degree in public health.
  Eirian Williams has welcomed students to Palo Alto University (PAU) since 1997, whether in her role as the Director of Financial Aid or in her current role as Director of Outreach Recruitment. But to say Ms. Williams welcomes students is an understatement. Her personality is more like an entire welcome wagon and the relationships she forms often nurture students through graduation and even beyond.   Williams is a natural recruiter and many students and alumni will recognize her from the Admissions Office, recruitment fairs, or for being a sympathetic staff member on campus.
Please take a moment to view this Winter Video Message 2020 from Palo Alto University President Maureen O'Connor. A text version of the message, which addresses PAU's commitment to equity and inclusion, is included below.       Greetings to our PAU community in our Winter Quarter 2020.   When we established our PAU Vision Statement several years ago, we infused a deep commitment to inclusion and equity.

Senior, BS in Psychology and Social Action

Shirin Aghakhani, a senior in PAU’s bachelor’s program in Psychology and Social Action, recently took a break from her busy schedule to talk about her interest in psychology and what drew her to PAU. She grew up in Los Angeles, where she attended community college before applying to PAU to finish her four-year degree. She is currently President of the Undergraduate Student Council.

What drew you to psychology?

Mark Elliott graduated from PAU in 2017 with an M.A. in Counseling and soon after, started working as a mental health clinician with Humboldt County's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Children's Mental Health Division. He was recently instrumental in developing a side project intended for fellow employees in the building where he works. His ‘Serenity Room’ project is aimed at mitigating the impact of Secondary Traumatic Stress, which can be challenging for mental health providers.

Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is off to a great start for you. As the new alumni engagement manager at Palo Alto University (PAU), I’m excited to connect with you on campus, at one of our upcoming events, or through one of our online social networks.

Please visit us at the expanded Alumni Association website and start taking advantage of your alumni benefits—and numerous meaningful ways to stay engaged with PAU.

PAU professor Lisa Brown, an expert in the evaluation and development of mental health programs related to catastrophic events, will participate on an oversight committee that is looking at the public health impact of the October 2015 Aliso Canyon disaster – the largest gas blowout in the history of the U.S. Dr. Brown will serve as a member Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study Scientific Oversight Committee.

Nicole Inlow

Joanna Servin

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