PAU Newsletters

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Alum Spotlight: PAU Counseling Grad Creates ‘Serenity Room’ for Colleagues

Mark Elliott graduated from PAU in 2017 with an MA in Counseling and soon after, started working as a mental health clinician with Humboldt County's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Children's Mental Health Division.

Fully Accredited Training

PAU’s CACREP-accredited programs and faculty training meet or exceed quality standards, reflecting our commitment to providing the highest level of care for all students. Palo Alto University was most recently accredited in January 2017 and received the maximum of eight (8) years CACREP accreditation.

Alum Spotlight: Sheila Park, BS in Psychology and Social Action, Class of 2020

Why PAU? "When I took my first psychology class in community college, it really resonated with me. Psychology encompassed an empathetic understanding of helping others and it had scientific appeal. When deciding between Palo Alto University (PAU) and a UC school, it was ultimately PAU’s two-year cohort model and quality graduate psychology program that really made a difference for me."

Student Spotlight: PAU Undergrad Francesca Pedraza Will Advocate for Students Statewide

Pedraza is a single mother and a senior in the Psychology and Social Action Program and is interested in advocacy and leadership. “I am eager to walk the path of leadership with ICCAP and to learn skills that will allow me to grow into the leader and advocate I aspire to be and be the voice representing those that do not have one.”

Alum Spotlight: Terell Sterling, BS in Business Psychology

Terell Sterling is the founder and CEO of Go Paladin a Silicon Valley nonprofit that connects underrepresented and underserved entrepreneurs to the vast startup ecosystem whose motto is “Entrepreneurship for Everyone.”

PAU Latinx Task Force

Bringing the PAU community together to improve diversity on campus. Faculty, students, and staff joined forces across programs and branches to implement projects serving the Latinx/Hispanic community within PAU and the surrounding community.

Student Spotlight: Student Ayanna Payne Wins AP-LS BRIDGE Diversity Research Award

Ayanna Payne, a fourth-year clinical psychology PhD student, was awarded a Diversity Research Award by the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS). Her proposal was for “A mixed-methods analysis of African American men struggles with internalized racism, perceived discrimination, and offending.”

Alum Spotlight: Stefany Fuentes, MA in Counseling, Class of 2015

Since graduating from PAU’s MA Counseling Program with an MFT emphasis, Stefany Fuentes has opened Vida Counseling, which provides mental health care in-person and virtually for Spanish and English speakers of all ages.

Another 2021 Refresh Feature Example

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