PhD in Clinical Psychology: Program Courses
Note: Curriculum and course availability are subject to change.
The PhD program is a full-time program and requires a minimum of three years in residence. The program is structured to be completed in five years: three years for academic coursework, one year for the dissertation and one year for internship.
The program of study for the PhD is informed by the American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) guidelines for doctoral education in clinical psychology and emphasizes the integration of scientific research and clinical practices. The PhD program includes intensive study in five areas: Basic theoretical concepts in psychology, research, psychological evaluation, psychotherapy theory and process, and clinical foundations and field experience. In addition, students have the opportunity to focus a minimum of 18 units of elective course work in specific areas of interest. The five areas of required courses are:
Graduate course work in psychological theory provides a firm grounding in scientific psychology and places current theory and research in the larger context of the history of psychology as a discipline. The curriculum examines human behavior from many perspectives. Courses address the biological, cognitive, and affective bases of behavior, social and cultural influences on human development and behavior, individual differences, as well as the psychology of multi-cultural and special interest groups. The graduate courses required in this area are:
Course |
Units |
PSYS800 |
Psychological Sciences I: History & Systems |
3 |
PSYS801 |
Psychological Sciences I: Child & Adolescent Development |
1.5 |
PSYS802 |
Psychological Sciences I: Cognitive Bases of Behavior I |
2.5 |
PSYS804 |
Psychological Sciences II: Affective Bases of Behavior I |
2.5 |
PSYS805 |
Psychological Science II: Bio-Bases I: Biological Psychology |
2.5 |
PSYS807 |
Psychological Sciences III: Adult Development & Aging |
1.5 |
PSYS809 |
Psychological Science III: Bio Bases of Behavior II: Psychopharmacology |
2.5 |
PSYS811 |
Psychological Science III: Social & Personality Psychology |
3 |
CLIN825 |
Prof. Standards in Clinical Psychology I: Identity, Discipline, Culture |
1 |
CLIN826 |
Prof. Standards in Clinical Psych.II: Practicum Prep. & Advising |
1 |
CLIN827 |
Prof. Standards in Clinical Psych.III: Internship Prep. & Advising |
1 |
CLDV800 |
Cultural Differences: Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology |
3 |
Total |
25 |
Course work in both quantitative and qualitative research methods and statistics prepares students to critically evaluate current research and to undertake dissertation research. After successfully completing the Research Methods and Statistics courses in the first year, students are required to pass the Research Competency Examination.
Participation in small faculty-led research labs involves students in ongoing research projects, facilitates development of mentoring relationships, and assists students in dissertation planning. Six consecutive quarters of research lab participation (generally taken in the second and third academic years) are required. Dissertation units are typically completed during the fourth academic year. The graduate courses required in this area are:
Course |
Units |
MTHD808 |
Research Methods and Statistics I |
4 |
STAT809 |
Research Methods and Statistics II |
4 |
STAT810 |
Research Methods and Statistics III |
4 |
RSGP8xx |
Research Lab |
6 |
DISS800 |
Dissertation |
30 |
Total |
48 |
The curriculum in psychological evaluation and assessment includes basic concepts in psychopathology and clinical diagnosis, theoretical bases of testing and test construction, and practical training and experience in the administration, scoring and interpretation of tests. Psychopathology course work (ASMT800, ASMT818, and ASMT819) is usually completed in the first year, while psychological assessment courses (ASMT800, ASMT826, and ASMT815) are completed in year two. Demonstration of competency in Psychopathology and Psychodiagnostics is measured by passing grades on all three courses (i.e., B- or above) and is included in the Clinical Competency, a requirement prior to starting Practicum 2 at The Gronowski Center. Demonstration of Assessment Competency is measured by achieving passing grades (i.e., B- or above) on all three required courses. The graduate courses required in this area are:
Course | Units | |
ASMT800 | Psychopathology and Psychodiagnostics I* | 3 |
ASMT818 | Psychopathology and Psychodiagnostics II: Child and Adolescent Disorders* | 1.5 |
ASMT 819 | Psychopathology and Psychodiagnostics II: Personality Disorders* | 1.5 |
ASMT810 | Psychometric Theory | 4 |
ASMT809 | Intellectual Assessment | 4 |
ASMT826 | Assessment of Psychopathology | 3 |
ASMT815 | Assessment of Personality | 3 |
Total | 20 |
The curriculum in psychotherapy theory and process requires the completion of five courses that survey a variety of theoretical perspectives, clinical orientations, and treatment modalities. These courses are generally completed during the first and second academic years. The graduate courses required in this area are:
Course | Units | |
CLIN800 | Ethics in Clinical Psychology* | 3 |
CLIN801 | Clinical Interviewing * | 3 |
CLIN802 | Introduction to Psychotherapy: Evidence Based Approaches* | 3 |
CLIN803 | Psychodynamic Psychotherapy I | 3 |
CLIN806 | Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy I | 3 |
CLIN809 | Introduction to Child, Adolescent, and Family Psychotherapy | 3 |
CLIN896 | Supervision, Consultation and Program Evaluation | 3 |
Total | 21 |
Classes marked with an asterisk (*) contribute to the demonstration of Clinical Competency and must be passed by a grade of B- or better prior to starting Practicum 2 at the Gronowski Center.
Clinical Practice
After passing the clinical courses in first year, students begin practicum. These practica provide diverse training opportunities integrating academic skills with experiential learning and preparing students for a full clinical internship in year five. The initial clinical practicum experience takes place in The Gronowski Center, PAU’s own outpatient community clinic, under the direct supervision of the school’s faculty. Student are required to complete 24 practicum units before advancement to candidacy, accumulating nine units in Practicum 2A, 2B, and 2C at The Gronowski Center and fifteen units in the third year in Practicum 3A, 3B, and 3C at one of many external practicum sites approved for PAU PhD students.
The graduate courses required in this area are:
Course | Units | |
PRAC800 | Clinic Practicum 2A | 3 |
PRAC801 | Clinic Practicum 2B | 3 |
PRAC802 | Clinic Practicum 2C | 3 |
PRAC804 | Practicum 3A | 5 |
PRAC805 | Practicum 3B | 5 |
PRAC806 | Practicum 3C | 5 |
PRAC830 | Practicum Forum | 0 |
INTR800 | Pre-Doctoral Internship | 12 |
Total | 36 |
In addition to the required course work detailed above, PhD students must complete a minimum number of 18 units of electives, but may choose to take more. These elective units may be focused in a particular area of emphasis (depth of training) or may be used to gain additional training in a variety of areas (breadth of training).
Course | Units | |
ASMT830 | Forensic Assessment | 3 |
ASMT841 | Child Assessment | 3 |
ASMT850 | Assessment and Treatment of Trauma in Adults | 3 |
ASMT851 | Trauma in Children and Adolescents | 3 |
ASMT860 | Neuropsychological Assessment I | 3 |
ASMT861 | Neuropsychological Assessment II | 3 |
ASMT862 | Clinical Neuropsychology I | 3 |
ASMT863 | Clinical Neuropsychology II | 3 |
ASMT864 | Neuroanatomy & Neuroimaging | 3 |
ASMT865 | Cognitive Rehabilitation | 2 |
CLIN807 | Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy II | 3 |
CLIN810 | Transdiagnostic Approach to Child and Family Psychotherapy | 3 |
CLIN823 | Evidence-Based Internet Intervention | 3 |
CLIN830 | Advanced Ethical and Professional Issues in Forensic Psychology | 3 |
CLIN831 | Forensic Psychology I | 3 |
CLIN832 | Forensic Psychology II | 3 |
CLIN833 | Advanced Forensic Psychology Seminar | 3 |
CLIN835 | Supervision, Administration, and Management in Behavioral Health | 3 |
CLIN838 | LGBTQ | 3 |
CLIN839 | Substance Use and Addictive Disorders | 3 |
CLIN845 | Family Therapy I: Family Systems Therapy | 3 |
CLIN848 | Developmental Psychopathology I: Conception to Pubescence | 3 |
CLIN849 | Developmental Psychopathology II: Adolescent through Emerging Adulthood | 3 |
CLIN851 | Health Psychology I | 3 |
CLIN852 | Health Psychology II | 3 |
CLIN855 | Pediatric Mental Health: Chronic Illness | 3 |
CLIN859 | Clinical Emergencies: Suicidal Patient | 3 |
CLIN860 | A Survey Course on Trauma: Assessment & Treatment Considerations | 3 |
CLIN864 | Foundations of Clinical Trauma Psychology | 3 |
CLIN865 | Treatment of Trauma in Adults | 3 |
CLIN866 | Treatment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents | 3 |
CLIN867 | Substance Use Disorder and Treatment in Adolescents | 3 |
CLIN868 | Professional Issues in Clinical Child Psychology | 3 |
CLIN880 | Community Mental Health I | 3 |
CLIN881 | Community Mental Health II | 3 |
CLIN882 | Serious Mental Health Illness and Risk Management | 3 |
CLIN883 | Mental Health Disparities | 2 |
CLIN884 | Introduction to Global Mental Health | 3 |
PSYS820 | Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Seminar | 3 |
DISS805 | Dissertation Prep | 0 |
CLIN891 | Psychology of Mindfulness and Meditation | 3 |
STAT825 | Structural Equation Modeling | 3 |
STAT 820 | Bayesian Statistics | 3 |
Grand Rounds Speaker: Neuropsychology | 0 |
Other Electives
Course | Units | |
PRAC803 | Clinic Practicum 2D | 0 |
PRAC807 | Practicum 3D | 0 |
PRAC809 | Practicum 4A | 0 |
PRAC811 | Practicum 4B | 0 |
PRAC814 | Practicum 4C | 0 |
PRAC808 | Practicum 4D | 0 |
PRAC815 | Supplemental Practicum Training | 0 |
PRAC819 | Practicum Electives | 0 |
Independent Study | Variable 1 - 6 | |
Special Topics in Psychology | 3 |
Units |
Psychological Theory |
25 |
Research |
48 |
Psychological Evaluation |
20 |
Psychotherapy Theory and Process |
21 |
Clinical Practice |
36 |
Electives |
18 |
Total |
168 |
Students in all programs are encouraged to supplement their curriculum with courses from PAU's Continuing and Professional Studies Division. This extensive catalog of on-demand courses is free to students!
Continuing & Professional Studies Forensic Courses Counseling Practice and Essentials