Contact Academic Technology
PAU Academic Technology
Email Glenn and Scott in Academic Technology at PAU at: canvashelp@paloaltou.edu for the following:
- Assistance with Canvas
- Assistance with video
- Assistance with the video platforms Panopto or Canvas Studio
- Assistance with technology in the classrooms
- Schedule consultation or training sessions tailored to specific needs
- Any urgent matter or any question when you aren’t sure exactly who to contact
Glenn Saito, Assistant Director of Academic Technology
gsaito@paloaltou.edu | (650) 433-3875
Contact Glenn for the following:
- Assistance setting up courses in the Canvas LMS
- Assistance and troubleshooting with the Canvas LMS
- Assistance with using video in your online course
- To request recording using course capture in the classrooms
- Instruction in using course capture or other educational technologies
- To request audio-visual services or recording
Scott Hines, University Librarian and Director of Academic Technology
shines@paloaltou.edu | (650) 433-3855
Contact Scott for the following:
- Research assistance, help with literature reviews and database searching
- Schedule in-class training sessions tailored to specific content areas
- Questions about the collections and policies of PAU Library and of other Libraries
- Questions about using technology for teaching and research
- Questions about Canvas LMS
- Academic Technology policies, plans, and suggestions