Circulation Service Eligibility
- Circulation of physical items, as described below, is available to all current PAU students, faculty, and staff.
- Alumni and other PAU affiliates are advised to email the PAU librarians for information regarding circulation.
Circulating Materials
- Circulating materials include physical books, DVDs, and psychological test manuals that can be searched using the online library catalog.
- All circulating materials are located in locked wall displays by the PAU librarians' offices on the first floor of Building 3, and they may be browsed whenever the building is open.
- Items may be checked out by appointment only.
- If a librarian isn't available, use the book return outside the main doors to the first floor of Building 3, opposite the stairs that are adjacent to the Facilities and IT Departments (Room 315). The book return is available 24/7/365.
Shipping Requests
- For students with an approved ADA accommodation that limits campus visits.
- For students who cannot visit campus due to current COVID-19 policies.
- For students in an online program who live outside the San Francisco - San Jose corridor.
Library Account
- View your library records by signing into your WorldCat Discovery library account using your PAU email credentials.
Circulation Policies
- Most books are loaned for 14 days and are eligible for two automatic 14-day renewals.
- Some items are for overnight, 3-day, or 7-day loan with two automatic renewals of the same duration.
- Some items are available for campus use only and cannot be renewed.
- Each item is clearly labeled with the particulars of its circulation policy.
- No overdue fines are charged; however, any item more than 30 days overdue is subject to billing for the replacement cost of the item.
Circulation Privileges
- Psychological test manuals may only be checked out by current students, faculty, and staff with the requisite qualifications and/or supervision as specified in the terms and conditions set by the publishers for education and training program support. In general, these materials are for use in doctoral-level assessment classes.
- There is no limit on the total number of items that may be checked out from the PAU Library.
- Circulation privileges are subject to suspension for excessive overdue and/or lost items.