PhD Clinical Psychology: Practicum
Students enrolled in the PhD in Clinical Psychology program are required to complete clinical practicum training. Training sites are generally local service agencies and research programs that have been approved by the PhD Clinical Training faculty as consistent with the program training objectives, especially the emphasis on evidence-based practices. Students in the PhD in Clinical Psychology program receive professional advising and resources throughout the application and completion of their practica.
In addition to the Gronowski Center, practicum sites include:
Asian Americans for Community Involvement
City of Fremont Youth and Family Services
Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC)
Goodwill of the Silicon Valley
San Francisco Institute on Aging
Kaiser Permanente Redwood City (Adult Neuropsychology; Child and Family psychotherapy)
Marin County Health and Human Services
Notre Dame de Namur University Counseling Services
Jail Psychiatric Services (San Francisco County)
San Mateo County Mental Health Services Division, Youth Services Center (juvenile detention)
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
State of California - Department of Rehabilitation
UCSF Memory and Aging Center & Epilepsy Center
• Spinal Cord Injury Unit (inpatient and outpatient)
• Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention
• First Step (substance abuse)
Students already receiving services from PhD Clinical Training faculty may visit the Google Site for student-only information, such as application materials and advising resources.