About eClinic
The Palo Alto University eClinic is a teaching clinic first established during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic to support students in attaining their clinical hours. At the time of its genesis, many of the internship opportunities were being shut down and students were in dire need of alternate training opportunities.

Mountain View Campus/Gronowski Center
An eClinic work group had been building toward the development of such a clinic and the pandemic required that plans move ahead of schedule. Despite the quick launch, the PAU eClinic has managed to develop highly competent, exceptionally trained, telementalhealth therapists and has positioned PAU as a leader in such training.
Goals And Strategies
Goal 1: Support the development of curricula and research activities related to digital therapeutics and devices across departments and program
Goal 2: Continued grant efforts to increase contribution to funding model
Goal 3: Revamp of eClinic webpage including appropriate branding and marketing efforts
Tied to PAU's Strategic Pillar 4: Awareness
Enhance PAU’s regional and national identity and reputation.
- Priority 1: Elevate the awareness and reputation of PAU.
- Priority 2: Increase and strengthen engagement with key audiences.
eClinic’s 5-year goal: To be a fully functioning training, research, and service clinic with a full time director and accompanying staff resources to meet the eClinic mission as the premier training site for clinical students, alumni, clinical educators, and supervisors in the many facets of Telehealth and Digital therapy provision. To build an online assessment clinic and accompanying fee structure.
Clinical Team

Eclinic Managers

The PAU eClinic is pleased to partner with