Veteran and Military Student Services
Supporting eligible student Veterans, Reservists, National Guard, Active Duty, and dependents with federal education benefits and certification, as well as on and off campus resources that aid in the military to student transition.
As a former or current member of the military, or a dependent or spouse you may be eligible for educational benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). An applicant’s eligibility for benefits is determined by the VA.

For information on VA education programs see GI Bill® Comparison Tool or call the Department of Veterans Affairs toll free at 1-888-442-4551. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Department of Veterans Affairs
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E-Chapter 31)
If you're a service member or Veteran and have a disability that was caused—or made worse—by your active-duty service and that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, you may be eligible to apply and receive tuition & fee benefits for post-secondary training at a university level. Click here for VR&E eligibility and application requirements.
Veteran Readiness & Employment
Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33)
The Post-911 GI Bill may also include:
•Transfer Educational Benefits to Dependents(TEB)
Learn how the GI Bill works and explore your options to pay for school or train…
Survivors and Dependents Assistance (Chapter 35)
If you’re a dependent spouse or child—or the surviving spouse or child—of a Veteran, you may qualify for Chapter 35 DEA benefits or through the GI Bill TEB program.
Learn more on va.gov
Department of Defense Tuition Assistance (TA) Programs
Military Tuition Assistance (TA)
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit paid to active service members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. PAU is currently able to certify enrollment of Navy or Air Force TA recipients. If you have TA from another branch, please contact the PAU School Certifying Official. Prospective students are directed to receive approval from the student's Educational Services Officer (ESO), military counselor or Service branch.
For More Information on DOD Tuition Assistance
1. Request and complete PAU Veteran Application.
2. Email supporting documentation specific to your VA benefit to the PAU School Certifying Official (SCO). Examples of supporting documentation:
a) Certificate of Eligibility from Post-9/11/ GI Bill® (Chapter 33) or Dependent Educational Assistance (Chapter 35)
b) Veteran Readiness & Employment/VR&E (Chapter 31) - Ask your VR&E case manager submit an P.O. Authorization via the Tungsten Network, and notify the School Certifying Official (SCO) when this is done.
c) Tuition Assistance - proof of awarded tuition assistance from the assigning branch.
3. Provide copies of transcripts from previous schools when requested by PAU Admissions.
4. Transfer students who have used benefits at their previous school should submit Form VA 22-1995 "Request for Change in Program"
PAU School Certifying Official (SCO) Certification of EligibilityCollecting Benefits
Post-9/11/ GI Bill® (Chapter 33) and VR&E (Chapter 31). GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Tuition and Fees
- VA GI Bill® and VR&E tuition and fee payments are made directly to Palo Alto University.
- VA DEA payments are paid directly to the student.
- Scholarships awarded specifically for tuition will be deducted first before using GI Bill® or VR&E.
- Palo Alto University will refund the veteran the overpayment.
Basic Housing Allowance
A monthly housing allowance is paid directly to the student at the beginning of each month for the previous month.
The monthly housing allowance paid equals the DoD’s Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an “E-5 with dependents” at the zip code of the school. You can find the BAH rates at: https://www.travel.dod.mil/Allowances/Basic-Allowance-for-Housing/BAH-Rate-Lookup/
The monthly housing allowance payment rate for those enrolled solely in online/distance learning is half the national average of the BAH rates payable for an E-5 with dependents in the continental U.S. A student can receive the full housing rate by attending one on-campus residential class where he or she physically attends.
For more information on how your BAH is paid please go to: BAH Housing Allowance for Ch 33
Books and Supplies
Paid directly to the student when the school’s enrollment certification is processed.
The stipend pays $41.67 per unit certified. The maximum stipend is $1,000 per academic year
Break Pay between semesters
The VA is no longer issuing “break pay.” The monthly housing allowance will only be paid for the days when classes are in sessions. Veterans can expect smaller payments at the beginning and end of quarters as most start and end in the middle of the month.
Veterans are generally entitled to 36 months of benefits. Rate of Pursuit determines the number of months deducted from your entitlement for the length of the semester. VA calculated rate of pursuit by dividing the number of certified units by the number of units considered full-time by the school
*Please note the following:
- To receive your maximum entitlement you will need to be enrolled as a full time student. Being certified for less than full-time will prorate your monthly housing allowance. If you are in a fully online program your BAH will be 50%.
- Veterans who have used chapter 30 entitlement will only receive the number of months remaining under their entitlement.
- Veterans who exhausted their chapter 20 entitlement and then apply for chapter 33 will receive up to an additional 12 months of chapter 33 entitlement.
Monthly Verification (Chapter 13, 1606, 1607)
Active duty veterans and reservists must verify their enrollment at the end of each month or the very beginning of the new month via the VA WAVE website. to receive their monthly payment.
VA Wave website
Palo Alto University is proud to announce its continued participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program, a provision of the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.
This participation covers tuition and fee charges beyond the Post 9/11 GI Bill® in annual maximum cap amount paid by the VA. Each year, when/if the VA pays out the annual cap amount, this agreement states that PAU will financially provide 50% of remaining tuition and fees, and the VA will provide the other 50%.
Eligible Veteran/Military PAU students must be officially accepted for admission to Palo Alto University AND have received a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA verifying 100% eligibility for Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) benefits in order to receive Yellow Ribbon benefits.
Please note that the Yellow Ribbon Program funding, along with is corresponding match from the VA, replaces any previously awarded institutional grants and/or scholarships.