Military Dependents and Spouses
Transfer of Post-9/11 GI Bill® Benefits to Dependents (TEB)
Eligibility to Post-911 GI Bill® transfer benefits is determined by the Department of Defense while the payment of benefits is handled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Department of Defense authorizes individuals who have served at least 6 years in the Armed Forces and who agree to serve at least another 4 years to transfer unused GI Bill® entitlement to their spouse. In addition, when a service member reaches their 10-year anniversary they can choose to transfer the benefit to any dependents – spouse or children.
Review this information to get started on the transfer of benefits process. Upon approval, family members may apply to use transferred benefits with the VA by completed VA Form 22-1990e. Do not use VA Form 22-1990e to apply for TEB. VA Form 22-1990e should only be completed and submitted to the VA by the family member after the DoD has approved the request for TEB.
Survivors and Dependents Assistance (Chapter 35)