How to Apply for Benefits
Veterans and dependents must begin the process by submitting the appropriate application to the VA. After completion of the online application, print a copy, and submit it to the PAU School Certifying Official(SCO).
Are you eligible for educational benefits? If so, what are your options?
How do you apply for VA educational benefits?
Military/Veteran students are encouraged to apply for their benefits well in advance of anticipated enrollment to avoid unnecessary delays. When applying online, we recommend you have your DD Form 214 discharge form and banking information available.
Newly admitted PAU students with VA benefits must:
- Request and complete PAU Veteran Application.
- Submit via email any supporting documentation specific to your VA benefit to the PAU School Certifying Official (SCO). Examples of supporting documentation:
- Post-9/11/ GI Bill® (Chapter 33) or Dependent Educational Assistance (Chapter 35) - Certificate of Eligibility. This will be a letter that the VA mails you or it is downloadable here: https://www.va.gov/education/gi-bill/post-9-11/ch-33-benefit/ OR
- Veteran Readiness & Employment/VR&E (Chapter 31) - Ask your VR&E case manager submit an P.O. Authorization via the Tungsten Network, and notify the School Certifying Official (SCO) when this is done.
- Tuition Assistance - proof of awarded tuition assistance from the assigning branch.
- Provide copies of transcripts from previous schools when requested by PAU Admissions.
Incoming transfer students who have used benefits at their previous school or students who change programs within PAU should submit the “Request for Change in Program or Place of Training" - Form VA 22-1995 to the VA and to the SCO.
Every quarter, all military/veteran students receiving VA benefits must notify the PAU School Certifying Official (SCO) of their enrollment intentions each term by forwarding their course schedule and requesting certification.