Helpdesk Services
General Help
People consult the IT Help Desk in many ways: telephone, electronically, or by visiting our office at the main campus in the Facilities Office outside the library. We have the collective expertise to help you with your computing needs. We can also re-route issues to other service areas when necessary. Our goal is to be welcoming and quick in our initial response, thoughtful in the problem solving process, and reliable in our follow-up.
Alert Managment System
PAU's e2Campus is an alert system that allows University Officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages to via email, text message, voice message, or RSS feed.
Click here to get started and sign up now!
@paloaltou.edu email
We provide email services for the entire PaloAltoU community. This includes faculty, staff, students, and alumni. To access email at anytime go to http://gmail.paloaltou.edu
You will need to enter a valid @paloaltou.edu username and password to access the service. If you don't know your PaloAltoU username or have forgotten your password please contact the IT helpdesk at support@paloaltou.edu
Virus Prevention
As a PaloAltoU student we offer free Symantec AntiVirus to protect your PC. If you would like more information on this program please contact support@paloaltou.edu
Online Registration
Access online registration at http://www.webcollege.net/paucportal/Login.aspx If you have issues logging in or don't know your username and password, please contact support@paloaltou.edu
Classroom Technology
The IT Department works closely with the Library Media center to ensure all classrooms have the latest classroom technology. In the past month we have installed a wide variety of tools to help assist our students and faculty. Each classroom is equipped with a podium that houses a Windows 7 workstation, 22” LCD Monitor, DVD/VHS players, Sonic Foundry Mediasite controllers, wireless presenters, and a lapel mic.
If you would like further information or need assistance with the equipment please contact support@paloaltou.edu
Wifi Access
Wireless access is available at the Palo Alto University main campus and Gronowski Clinic locations.
If you need assistance with connecting to the access points or need the wireless password please contact support@paloaltou.edu