Article from the June 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter

Article from the June 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter written by Bill Froming, Ph.D., Provost

Palo Alto University (PAU) organized a series of events in February 2014 for the President of Rwanda, His Excellency Paul Kagame. The goal was to provide forums where President Kagame could interface with academic and business leaders in California. On Wednesday, February 12, he gave a talk at the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles.

Article from the June 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter, written by Lynn Waelde, Ph.D. 

Article from the June 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter

Systematic Treatment Selection (STS) is an integrative model based on empirically supported principles of therapeutic efficacy developed by Dr. Larry E. Beutler, Dr. Bruce Bongar and their colleagues. This evidence consists of consistent, empirical evidence that outcomes are associated with three classes of variables: patients, interventions, and relationship factors.

Article from the Winter 2015 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter, written by Bruce Bongar, Ph.D. and Lori Holleran, 3rd year Ph.D. Student 

Article from the Winter 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter, Written by Sita Patel, Ph.D.

Article from the Winter 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health NewsletterWritten by Stanley Sue, Ph.D. 

As a member of PAU’s China Advisory Council, I visited China on September 12-22, 2014. The purpose of the trip was to

(1) Evaluate the status of the PAU Program with Dr. Martha Chiu and Sheng-Yang Chiu

(2) Discuss the program with Dr. Weining Chang

(3) Meet with students in the Program and give a lecture

Article from the Winter 2014 Edition of Global Mental Health Newsletter

Palo Alto University (PAU) is delighted to announce that following a recent February 2015 visit to the Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) in Cambodia, a long-term relationship has been established between PAU and TPO.

PAU President Dr. Allen Calvin commented about establishing the long-term relationship with TPO Cambodia,

“Dr. Nigel Field was profoundly committed in his research and teaching to helping the people of Cambodia, and we are extremely pleased to continue his legacy.”

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