The Palo Alto University (PAU) staff participated in the 2015 Lucile Packard Summer Scamper 5 to 10k walk/run last Sunday, June 21st, 2015 with a team of 23. They have demonstrated their dedication to the local community work to improve lives.

A post written by Ph.D. Clinical Psychology doctoral candidate, Jayme Peta, visiting faculty Dr. Ry Testa, and Dr. Deb Coolhart on developing a Gender Quest Workbook for gender exploration guidance. Jayme also recently authored an article about transgender youth in the Huffington Post.

What is The Gender Quest Workbook? 

Palo Alto University's (PAU) Master of Arts in Counseling program with the Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling emphasis has been ranked #4 in a list of America's best online Marriage and Family Therapy programs by The online format of PAU’s program is distinct in its offering of live weekly classes by videoconference for every course in the program.

Dr. Kimberly F. Balsam, Palo Alto University’s (PAU) Associate Professor in the Ph.D. program has been named the American Psychological Association’s Division 44 (Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues) President. She will begin her term as President-Elect in August 2015 and then President in August 2016.

Harrianne Mills, Director of Academic Services, received the Humanist of the Year Award from the Humanist Community of Silicon Valley. As humanists, the group teaches their children to appreciate the wonders of the natural world, and to develop an ethical code based on treating fellow human beings with kindness and respect.

Palo Alto University (PAU) has continued its tradition of encouraging education in the community by awarding two local high school students a $2,000 Graduating Award. The awards were presented at ceremonies on June 1 and May 28, 2015 with more than 300 students, family, and teachers present at each event. The PAU Graduating Award was awarded to two outstanding candidates from Palo Alto High School and Gunn High School in the city of Palo Alto, CA. Learn more about the awardees:

Ricky graduated with the Business Psychology Class of 2012 and shortly after his graduation joined Bank of America. In the first quarter of 2015, he exceeded his quarterly goal/quota by 223%. As a result of this exceptional accomplishment he was recognized as the top 1% performance banker at Bank of America nationwide.
Ricky commented:

“I strive to provide excellent service and advice to our customers in making their financial lives better.”


Article written by Nicholas Grant, Palo Alto University student in the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology program and originally posted on the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students gradPSYCH blog

Palo Alto University (PAU) professor, Mark Healy, spoke to Foothill and De Anza College students about the field of I/O Psychology and the many career possibilities and the general lifestyles of professionals in the field. Over 30 students attended the lecture series to learn about the educational outcomes of the B.S. in Business Psychology offered by PAU, as well as preparations for becoming a successful practitioner. Topics included:

Palo Alto University (PAU) Undergraduate Programs Director and licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Paul Marcille, lectured to over 500 students and community members at local Bay Area community colleges in April and May of 2015 about mental illness. The talks focused on myths about the mentally ill and misconceptions people have about mentally ill people. One of the topics Dr. Marcille focused on were myths about mentally ill individuals being a danger to others.

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