Congratulations to Ms.Lori Hollergan, a student in the PhD Program, recently won an outstanding grant from the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy. She took a leave of absence this year from PAU, to attend Harvard University to obtain her MPH. “She is a wonderful student and I am very proud of her.” Dr. Rowena Gomez, Associate Professor, PhD Program Director of Clinical Training.

From the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy:

PAU alumnus, Dr. Edward Palmer, has been representing the university as a volunteer in Cambodia for the last 14 months and has seamlessly continued the work of the late Dr Nigel Field.

Dr. Palmer graduated from PAU at the start of 2015, was taught by Nigel Field during the course of his studies, and was well aware of the wonderful work which was being done at Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) Cambodia.

PAU is thrilled to announce that two of our students have been accepted into the University of Michigan’s fMRI training course. The course, which will take place in August of this year, is known to be amongst the most competitive in the country of its type and is a fully-funded NIH training course.

Whitney Geller and Jerry Chen are the two highly-deserving students who will become the first PAU representatives to attend the course.

Palo Alto University is proud to feature in Dr. Leanne William's (Stanford Psychiatry)  translational clinical research using neuroimaging to inform diagnosis and treatment.

The Gronowski Center, as a partner in this research, is referenced in the article, along with a de-identified patient, who went through the RAD study and was interviewed about her experience. Our professor, Dr. Nancy Haug is quoted in regards to the feedback sessions with Dr. Williams and our Gronowski Center patients.

Palo Alto University Board of Trustees announced that Dr. Maureen O’Connor is the incoming President of Palo Alto University on August 1st, 2016 succeeding Dr. Allen Calvin, the current President.  Dr. Calvin has served this university for over 30 years with tremendous success and will retire this summer and enjoy more time with his family.

Presentation: Mindfulness: Practice, Research and Growing Popularity

Held at the Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel on November 10, 2015

A series of presentations, geared to help attendees understand how they can use the latest tools and techniques in mindfulness to help reduce stress, whilst increasing mental and physical well-being.

Taking place at the Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel on Tuesday November 10, 2015, the presentations began with an introduction to mindfulness research and practice from Dr. Lynn C. Waelde, Professor of Palo Alto University.

Congratulations to Dr. Daniele Levy, PAU’s professor in the Business Psychology program since 2012 and our alumni in Clinical Psychology, for her excellent work resulting in her recent publications on the effects of workaholism on professional women.

Effects of workaholism on satisfaction among US managerial and professional women”; published this month in Gender in Management: An International Journal

In her role as Research Director at The Gronowski Center, Dr. Nancy Haug, Ph.D.  oversees student research projects and assists faculty members in study implementation. Dr. Haug is “delighted to be working with students in a training clinic where they can have an experience of designing and implementing their own research projects.

Congratulations to Dr. Alvin Thomas, Ph.D., PAU’s Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Center For Excellence in Diversity. His research paper, “Walking Away Hurt, Walking Around Scared: A Cluster Analysis of Violence Exposure Among Young Black Males,” is published online in the Journal of Black Psychology. 


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