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Books & eBooks

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The PAU Library provides print book and eBook collections to help users develop knowledge and skills, explore topics of interest, dive more deeply into content, and investigate research possibilities.

The print book collection is located at the Allen Calvin Campus. Our print book collection includes psychology, counseling, and other behavioral health publications that are not available in electronic format. This collection includes recent titles covering current topics, older seminal works, reference materials, test preparation manuals, and high-use psychological test manuals. Please refer to our Circulation page for information regarding lending policies. Using the buttons on this page, you may email the librarians to inquire about access or check your library account to view checked-out items and request items that aren't available.

We are actively developing our eBook collection to leverage online availability, which allows us to provide equitable access to the vast majority of our materials for current students, faculty, and staff. Our eBook collection delivers broad, in-depth coverage of topics in psychology, counseling, related behavioral health disciplines, and more! The PAU Library purchases eBooks by subscription and ensures they are available in full-text through the WorldCat Discovery library catalog and/or the PAU databases. Access policies vary and can be viewed for each item by clicking on the full-text link.  Use the buttons on this page to email the librarians if you need any assistance with these materials or to request an unavailable item through your library account.

Please note that publishers and vendors who supply electronic textbooks (AKA eTextbooks) no longer allow libraries to subscribe to their titles for class access, so students should plan on purchasing or renting their textbook. You may use the button on this page to go to the online bookstore.

Continue reading to learn how to find PAU Library books in print and electronic format and explore our featured eBook collections!

Search for Books and eBooks

Books and eBooks Image

Use the first link below to find books and eBooks using WorldCat Discovery, PAU's library catalog. Search by title, author, keyword, ISBN, or any other data you have at your disposal. Log in to access full-text content. Use the links that follow if you need help with searching. Email for individualized assistance.

Begin Your Worldcat Discovery Search Learn WorldCat Discovery Simple Search Techniques Learn WorldCat Discovery Advanced Search Techniques
Search for eBook Chapters

Book and eBook Chapters ImageUse the first link below to find individual eBook chapters using PsycInfo, Medline, and other databases on the EBSCOhost platform. Log in, then search by chapter title or eBook title for full-text access. Use the links that follow if you need help with searching. Email for individualized assistance.

Begin Your EBSCO Search Learn Database Search Techniques Download the PAU Literature Search Tutorial for Quick Reference